Phil Plait, The Bad Astronomer, discusses the most recent - TopicsExpress


Phil Plait, The Bad Astronomer, discusses the most recent predictions for the eventual Betelgeuse supernova event. This prediction depends on a lot of things, so the astronomers had to make determine many basic facts about the star as best they could (generally depending on the previous work of others). It’s all pretty amazing, so let me list them out for you with brief comments: Distance: Betelgeuse is likely to be about 200 parsecs (650 light years) away. Different methods yield different distances, which has been frustrating, but a recent paper gives what may be this best result. Age: Models of the star’s evolution over time yield an age estimate of about 8.5 million years. That’s a bit older than I would have expected, but quite reasonable. Compare that to the Sun’s age of 4.56 billion years, and you’ll see why I say stars like Betelgeuse don’t live long! Mass: The best estimates of the mass of Betelgeuse give about 20 times that of the Sun (more or less). That’s a lot; as you get more massive, stars get more rare, and only a handful get this hefty. Betelgeuse is just ridiculously huge. Note the solar system sizes to scale below it on the left. Click to redsupergiantate. Photo by Andrea Dupree (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), Ronald Gilliland (STScI), NASA and ESA Radius: This is where we start getting into “yikes” territory: Betelgeuse is a staggering 890 (­± 200) times wider than the Sun! Bear in mind the Sun is over 100 times wider than the Earth and you may realize what a behemoth this star is. That’s a radius — a radius — of over 600 million kilometers! Replace the Sun with Betelgeuse, and it would stretch nearly to the orbit of Jupiter. The Earth would be engulfed. Rotation: Stars tend to rotate slowly. When they expand, as Betelgeuse did long ago, they slow down (this is called conservation of angular momentum, like when an ice skater draws in his or her arms and spins more rapidly). Betelgeuse is huge, so unsurprisingly it spins very slowly, only once every 8.4 years. The Sun spins about once a month, for comparison. Luminosity: Betelgeuse is bright. It shines with the energy of 125,000 times that of the Sun. Holy wow. That’s why it can be hundreds of light years away and still be one of the brightest stars in the sky. At that distance, you’d need a telescope to see the Sun at all. Mass loss: When massive stars use up the hydrogen fuel in their core, they start to fuse helium into carbon. This generates a lot of heat, which causes the outer parts of the star to expand (hot gases expand, after all). Betelgeuse is pretty bloated, which means gravity at its surface is pretty weak. The star is also incredibly luminous, so a gas molecule on its surface feels a strong outward force from the light, and only a weak force from gravity holding it down. The result: Betelgeuse blows a very strong wind of material away from it. It loses about a millionth of the mass of the Sun every year. That may not sound like much, but the Sun loses less than a trillionth of its mass every year. Betelgeuse blasts out a million times as much material as the Sun. That’s not a solar wind. It’s a gale. Betelgeuse is blowing a huge amount of gas and dust into space, which can be seen in this infrared image from the Very Large Telescope. Betelgeuse is in the very center, and so bright that the area around it has been scaled down in contrast so that the far fainter outer material can be viewed. Photo by ESO/P. Kervella The supernova: Using all these data, plus what we know about how stars evolve over time, the astronomers find that in about 100,000 years, Betelgeuse will run out of helium to fuse. The steps after that are a bit complicated, but essentially, it will begin to fuse ever-heavier elements on ever-shortening timescales, until it tries to fuse silicon into iron. This spells doom for the star, because it robs the star of the energy needed to support itself. The core collapses, heats up beyond imagining, and explodes. KaBLAM! No more Betelgeuse. The aftermath: First, repeat after me: WE ARE IN NO DANGER, EVER, FROM BETELGEUSE. At that distance, even the titanic detonation of a supergiant star poses no major threat. It’ll be bright, as bright as the full Moon! But it’s too far away to hurt us. Also? 100,000 years is a long time. Mind you, it’ll launch octillions of tons of matter into space in all directions at a decent fraction of the speed of light. But as it plows through the thin soup of stuff in space it’ll slow down. The astronomers in the paper estimate the shock wave will take six million years to reach us, and will be moving at a mere 13 kilometers per second. It’ll slam into the Sun’s outgoing solar wind, and the two will wrestle, but the shock itself will stop well outside the Earth’s orbit.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 23:14:25 +0000

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