Philadelphia the World War I Years TODAY IN PHILADELPHIA – - TopicsExpress


Philadelphia the World War I Years TODAY IN PHILADELPHIA – THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1914 The city and area will continue to be under dreary and cloudy skies. There will be periods of rain and perhaps snow in some sections. The high will only reach 36° with the low around 32°. City Councils today passed a bill including a provision for $50,000.00 to be transferred from the Department of Public Works to the Department of Public Health for the relief of the unemployed. There are an estimated 100,000 unemployed in the city. There is great need of this money as hundreds of families are without funds for food, heat and rent. The bill now goes to the Mayor for signing who is known to support the measure. Patrolman Joseph Phillips of the 7th & Carpenter station was attacked by a crowd last night at 21st & Naudain Street. Gangs in the area have been planning to “fix” Phillips when they got the chance. Last night they lay in wait and when the policeman passed he was met with a hail of bricks, broken bottles and other missiles. Phillips was hit in the head and body by the objects. He drew his gun and fired but the bullet hit the pavement and ricocheted hitting Mr. Harry Horseman of 5623 Carpenter Street in the leg. Patrolman Phillips was knocked unconscious before help arrived. He was taken to Philadelphia Hospital for treatment. Phillips was able to identify one attacker as Robert Durrem of 2140 South Street who was later arrested. In entertainment, Adgie and her 10 lions (shown below) will be appearing at the Victoria Theatre, 9th & Market Streets this week. Adgie (born Adelaide Castillo) is considered one of the best animal acts in Vaudeville. Adgie and Her Lions in Photo below In sports, Connie Mack refuted and denied today certain rumors that he has been offered the position of manager and part owner of the New York Yankees. Also, Mr. Mack gave pitcher Jack Coombs his unconditional release. Additionally two other A’s pitchers, Chief Bender and Eddie Plank have jumped to the Federal League. Bender will be throwing for the Baltimore Terrapins and Plank for the St. Louis Terriers next season. In Eastern Basketball League play DeNeri extended its lead in the standings by beating the Camden Alphas last night 34 to 29. Tonight the Jasper Jewels meet the Reading Bears at the Kensington Athletic Club. WAR NEWS Fighting in Belgium and northern France was sparse today although artillery shelling continues. In the east, the Germans are within 40 miles of Warsaw. There is vicious fighting along a 50 mile front. The city of Lowicz is reportedly in flames. In the South Atlantic the British Navy reportedly has sunk 2 German cruisers the Nurnberg and the Dresden. These ships had previously escaped when the British engaged a German convoy off the Falklands and sunk 3 other German cruisers.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 18:42:59 +0000

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