"Philadelphia’s cur­rent plight illus­trates a broader - TopicsExpress


"Philadelphia’s cur­rent plight illus­trates a broader national trend: pub­lic schools are being inten­tion­ally under­funded and dis­man­tled. Over the past ten years, teach­ers have been forced to fol­low scripts and rigid pac­ing guides, prac­tices that con­tra­dict research about cul­tur­ally rel­e­vant, respon­sive, and inquiry-based teach­ing as meth­ods to deeply improve stu­dent achieve­ment. These labor con­di­tions amount to what Jessie Hagopian and John Green call “pub­lic sec­tor speedups,” on the model of fac­tory work. But this speed-up is not directed towards increased pro­duc­tiv­ity – the work is being deskilled not because of evi­dence that the sys­tem can work with this scripted model, but because such a model does not work. "As pub­lic school teach­ers and stu­dents are pushed to fail­ure, pri­vate inter­ests will swoop in to pro­vide alter­nate solu­tions and reap sig­nif­i­cant prof­its. Dis­tricts have shifted from elected school boards to may­oral or guber­na­to­r­ial con­trol, busi­ness lead­ers have orches­trated the shut­ter­ing of pub­lic schools and their replace­ment by char­ter schools, and sea­soned, union­ized teach­ers have been pit­ted against the bright-eyed Teach for Amer­ica corps mem­bers and “super­man” char­ter school lead­ers."
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 17:12:04 +0000

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