Philip Bowering hares Singapore because he believes that we got - TopicsExpress


Philip Bowering hares Singapore because he believes that we got him sacked from his position as editor of the now defunct Far Eastern Economic Review (as if we were so powerful). This blinds him to the simple fact that Singapore can never be a role model for Hong Kong because we are a sovereign and independent country whereas Hong Kong is part of China and will forever be just another Chinese city, all the twaddle about one country, two systems notwithstanding. Curiously many Hong Kong people seem to have overlooked this geopolitical reality as well. They -- and colonial flotsam like Bowering washed up on the wreckage of the British Empire -- will get a rude shock one of these days. But unlike Bowering, most Hong Kong people have nowhere to run to.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 05:32:37 +0000

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