Philip the Evangelist Acts 8:26-40 Evangelism is essential - TopicsExpress


Philip the Evangelist Acts 8:26-40 Evangelism is essential in the Christian life. We do not have to knock on doors, preach in the street, or cold call those unfamiliar to us, but we all need to realize that the Lord wants us to share the good news as He opens doors of opportunity. Philip is an excellent example of one who was ready to be used by God and shared the truth of the gospel when he was able to do so. During the next few days, we will consider his example and learn from it. Why was Philip a good evangelist? First, Philip surrounded himself with godly people. We know from Acts 6:5 that Philip lived his life in good company. His spiritual companions were godly men who could encourage him and edify Him in the things of the Lord. Such friends and companions are rare today, yet they are essential (1 Cor.15:33). We need to associate with spiritual Christians who genuinely care about our spiritual lives and ministries. Second, Philip was steadfast and persistent in the Christian life even though he was persecuted for his faith (vv.1-6). When he encountered hardship, Philip did not retreat from the ministry nor retract his message. He endured hardness as a good soldier of Christ (2 Tim.2:3). Philip was not a quitter; he pressed forward for Christ. Third, Philip lifted up Christ to those who needed him (v.35 cf. v.5). Lost men and women need Jesus Christ. They do not need a religious system or a code of ethics. They do not need legalistic rules or a positive-only message. They need the truth concerning the person and work of Jesus Christ-His death, burial, and resurrection. Christianity is about Jesus Christ! Philip knew this and declared Him to others.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 09:06:16 +0000

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