Philippi Police Dept. Receives Body Courtesy WDTV Officers at - TopicsExpress


Philippi Police Dept. Receives Body Courtesy WDTV Officers at the Philippi Police Department received seven new body cameras that they plan to put into use by the end of December. Just last week, Philippi City Council voted to give over $2,000 of funding to purchase a camera for each officer. The department is just one of few around our area to get their hands on these devices. They can be used during the day and night and can record video, audio, and even snap a picture. Studies have found that police departments across the country have experienced fewer complaints against officers after using body cameras. In light of the recent protests around the country, Chief Jeff Walters says he hopes these cameras will help to strengthen the relationship between police and the community. We will record every police and citizen encounter. Having these cameras will help to keep the officers on point, as well. They will realize that they are being recorded and they will check themselves too. I think we will have a lot less police complaints and it will be a lot easier to clear those complaints because we have a recording of the event. It will help speed up our investigations, said Chief Walters, Philippi Police Department. Some people believe that these devices are an invasion of privacy and need to be looked at a little more, but most people 5 News talked to agree that it will be a big help in cutting down on crime. I think it is a great idea because theres a lot that they do to protect the community and this will further help, said Tyler Hott, Barbour County resident. Chief Walters also said ethics is very important to the department, so he made a pledge that all of the officers signed to ensure that they will continue to honor their badge. When you first become a police officer, you take an oath. This will just be an additional oath. We want the community to see that we are there for them. This is not something that we just saying, but it is something that we will live by, said Walters. The officers will begin training on how to use the cameras this week.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 19:27:29 +0000

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