Philippians 4:9 paraphrased in The Message says Fill your mind - TopicsExpress


Philippians 4:9 paraphrased in The Message says Fill your mind with noble and gracious things, the best, not the worst, the beautiful, not the ugly, and God who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. Do you ever wonder why people are so angry, so mad at the world, If you sit in traffic or stand in a check out line for very long, you will see someone who cant wait to blow their horn, shake their fist or worse, or just say something plain nasty. I think people are angry because we have allowed our minds to become garbage dumps! Watch prime time TV for five minutes on any channel and you will see the most vile and wicked criminal activity the mind can conceive, change the channel and it gets worse. Kids cant or shouldnt watch TV after 8PM because of the words used and the other things they see there. Billboards, internet, radio, you name it, much of it is trash! I know I sound old fashioned but I miss the old TV shows where the worst thing that happened was somebody broke a window with a baseball or failed a spelling test. I have pretty much given it up. Im sorry but I am not anxiously awaiting the premier of CSI Roberta, (there arent many places left) or Criminal Minds, the final chapter of the grand murderous evil mastermind from Hades! I am sick of vampires, witches, and most of all zombies. I am going to try to do as this verse says and fill my mind with good not bad, beautiful not ugly, happy not sad! Maybe I am idealistic and if so, so be it! Wont you join me and give it a try? I think we could all benefit greatly from some of His most excellent harmonies!
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 15:13:16 +0000

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