Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT), You have - TopicsExpress


Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT), You have pushed me to my limits! I dont know if some of your employees are putting your company down. But I am enumerating my sentiments and I hope that your owner, Manuel Pangilinan can take note of this... 1. Many times me and my family have observed that there are other people using our phone like when I was about to give a call to my Mom, i heard a conversation between two persons. 2. When I was talking to somebody, another person will say hello, hello! 3. There are other instances when other people are using our phone number. I reported these things to PLDT and when the repairmen checked our telephone line, they said that there is a cross-line so they did something to avoid the incidents to happen again. But worse things happened after about few months... 1. I was talking to my sister when our conversation put into an end. When she called back, she asked me what happened and I thought she has no more load so the line became dead! 2. When I picked up the phone, my sister said, she thought that I was there for a couple of mInutes but I was not talking because somebody already picked up the phone about seconds ago. Many more incidents of this sort! 3. The worst of all was when I called my daughter over her cellphone using our landline. The first one to answer me was a male! The second time it was a female! It was only on the third attempt when I got to talk to her. I am wondering why can such things happen? Can somebody explain to me why? Last May, our payment was delayed by 8 days and when my Mom was about to use the phone, there was no dial tone. I thought that our line was cut off! I was so happy because I was already thinking to have it dead! (cut- off). There was no dial tone for a month. I decided to call PLDT last June 16, 2014. The lady said that I need to settle our account before it is cut-off. I also reported why do they need to charge us for two months when there is no dial tone for one month. Though I reported her that we have no dial tone, nothing was done! no repairmen came to fix our phone. Last July 2, 2014, I went to the main office of PLDT with a letter stating that we are terminating their services due to poor service! I paid the bill for June but the lady said I need to settle the bill for July before our line will be cut- off. I told her that we had no dial tone the whole month of July, so why should we pay? I was told if I reported the incident and I said yes last June 16. But I still paid the July bill so my agony would end!!!!!!! But look theres more of it! Yesterday, July 28, 2014, I received a bill again! My goodness! What does the billing section do? They charge and charge the customers even without service anymore!!!!! And why did the lady not cut-off our telephone services? I have already settled all the bills even without using the phone of PLDT anymore! How much more AGONIES do I need to suffer???????
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 23:39:27 +0000

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