Philippines typhoon: Members of Canada’s disaster relief team - TopicsExpress


Philippines typhoon: Members of Canada’s disaster relief team sent to help storm-devastated country OTTAWA — A government source says elements of Canada’s Disaster Assistance Response Team are being sent to the Philippines in the wake of last week’s catastrophic typhoon. The rapid-response team, known as DART, comprises 200 Canadian Forces personnel and was last deployed following the earthquake that devastated Haiti in January 2010. The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the members of the team would be leaving at 5 p.m. ET from Canadian Forces Base Trenton, east of Toronto. Related Philippines typhoon proved too powerful for country’s preparations despite warnings Philippines typhoon ’s apocalyptic scale overwhelms rescuers after Haiyan kills 10,000 Philippines typhoon ‘miracle’ baby draws cheers after mother swims to safety before giving birth The federal government has already promised up to $5 million in aid money and has pledged to match donations from Canadians to relief organizations. The true scale of devastation wrought Friday by typhoon Haiyan has yet to emerge, but some estimates put the death toll in the thousands, with hundreds of thousands badly affected. The Philippine military has confirmed 942 dead, but shattered communications, transportation links and local governments suggest a final toll — which some say could reach 10,000 — remains days away. Haiyan, already described as one of the most powerful recorded typhoons to ever hit land, is believed to be the deadliest natural disaster to strike the Philippines. Philippine President Benigno Aquino declared a state of calamity to speed aid to communities ravaged by super Typhoon Haiyan, which may have killed more than 10,000 people, as a lesser storm approached the nation. The government has $429 million to fund reconstruction after Haiyan unleashed storm surges and gale-force winds that caused vast destruction, Aquino said yesterday in a televised address. Today, a fresh storm threatening the southern Philippines may pass through some areas battered by Haiyan. The devastation may harm the economy, the government said, sending the peso and stocks weaker yesterday. The storm affected almost 9.7 million people, according to authorities, and 22 countries have pledged assistance. Soldiers were dispatched to prevent looting as survivors scoured for food. “In the coming days, be assured: help will reach you faster and faster,” Aquino said. “The delivery of food, water and medicines to the most heavily affected areas is at the head of our priorities.” news.nationalpost/2013/11/11/philippines-typhoon-members-of-canadas-disaster-relief-team-sent-to-help-storm-devastated-country/ #kaito
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 00:48:58 +0000

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