Phiyega and her most embarrassing and humiliating moment. A room - TopicsExpress


Phiyega and her most embarrassing and humiliating moment. A room filled with brass and the National Commissioner from the podium voicing and singing about the accolades of her decision to now finally appoint the New Commissioner of Police and her decision – (“She saw the name Zuma and thought let me score some browny points”), Major General B Zuma,) and then publically in front of so many, police commissioners, high ranking officials, and the media electronic and published, introduced her decision – and oh my! To her most greatest embarrassment, she has to find out that the appointment of the New Gauteng Police Commissioner had to be suspended – 5 hours after she was praising him for what a wonderful person he is and all the wonderful work that he has done, and now, not only does he have outstanding charges for drunken driving against him going back as far as 2008 but he is also charged or it is being alleged that he didn’t stop at a roadblock and his conduct also makes him guilty or alleged to be guilty of defeating the ends of justice. What a disgrace, and how come he has got away with it for 5 years? Being paid as a Major General and in the meantime corrupt as that which has become synonymous with the SAPS. His appointment must surely be recognized as the shortest tenure of anyone in a position of power – 5 hours tops from being hired and then fired! About six weeks ago it was publically announced on the television that some thousand of policemen have criminal records and it even broke down the various categories in rank order of how the criminal records were affecting different ranks and now? Wouldn’t it be normal practice to have vetted such a high ranking appointment first in every possible way, before making such a fool of you, in front of an audience and the world? What an embarrassment to close off women’s month with a women, the National Commissioner of Police, having to publically admit that – “Oops we I made a mistake, I never followed all the necessary procedures in ensuring that the person that I appoint is unblemished!” One should have imagined that with the history of the criminal activities in the SAPS she would have ensured as a first priority that her decision cannot be criticized, but thanks to the alertness of the DA and having their finger on the pulse, she was embarrassed and humiliated, trying to cover her wrongdoings up with “Everyone is innocent until proven guilty”. Why has it taken 7 years since the Lt Colonel was charged for drunken driving for him to be brought to book? What is behind ‘defeating the ends of justice’ and what is it that we don’t know that he has done. Favour for others against financial rewards? The possibilities are endless and that is someone that is earning a salary as a Lieutenant Colonel, which I can assure you comes with a lot of perks and benefits, and even he is guilty or wrongdoing. Had it been anyone else that was arrested in 2008, his case would have long been over and done with and if found guilty he would have been in Prison, serving time. What do we really know about the drunken driving? Was he perhaps also in an accident that could have possibly killed people? What is being kept from us, and madam, Police Commissioner, you are an embarrassment to the nation, for not doing your homework properly and trying to score “browny points” when you were so blinded when you saw the name ZUMA! She hasn’t even recovered from her fiasco and disastrous testimony at the enquiry to the Marikana shooting, the conduct and enquiry of policemen dragging a Mozambique national behind a police van and now this? Clearly an indication that the call for her immediate resignation is warranted – she comes from the corporate world, a world different to the SAPS which corruption has become a way of life and hiding behind the Uniform for your illegal and irregular conduct.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 18:58:22 +0000

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