Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Joseph D.R. OLeary had a won­der­ful idea, - TopicsExpress


Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Joseph D.R. OLeary had a won­der­ful idea, even if it was a bit dif­fer­ent than your typ­i­cal idea. He want­ed to cre­ate a pho­to­graph­ic col­lec­tion of beard­ed men. So over the next 18 months OLeary pho­tographed over 130 men with beards. But it wasn’t just enough to shoot them. He want­ed to pub­lish a book for his sub­jects. How­ev­er, OLeary’s funds were a bit low, so he took his idea to the place where the peo­ple could decide if his book was worth pub­lish­ing, Kick­starter: Kick­starter is a place for those with great ideas, but lit­tle or no money to real­ize them. Any­one can cre­ate a Kick­starter cam­paign. Though all the pro­mo­tion, writ­ing, videos, and pho­tos are up to you, this site lays the ground­work for you and makes it easy for peo­ple to view your page and donate to your cause. Besides all the con­tent you can add, Kick­starter allows you cre­ate rewards for the peo­ple who donate money. You can cre­ate mul­ti­ple tiers, each of which has a dif­fer­ent dona­tion amount and dif­fer­ent reward. Most com­mon­ly, low pledges will give the dona­tors an acknowl­edge­ment or a spe­cial thank you of some sort. The high­est rewards can give you as much a meet­ing with the project cre­ator him/herself. Just because you have a great idea doesn’t mean you’ll get dona­tors though. Joseph D.R. OLeary has put a lot of time and effort into his project and has already fund­ed a great deal of it. The money he’s rais­ing will only go towards print­ing costs and will not reim­burse him for his prior invest­ments. Every project has a mon­e­tary goal. With over 300 back­ers, OLeary has already sur­passed his goal of $27,000 which he says he will put towards high­er pro­duc­tion qual­i­ty. “As a pho­tog­ra­ph­er, I’ve always been com­pelled by por­trai­ture — of myself and oth­ers. Peo­ple are fas­ci­nat­ing and every­one has a story to tell.” Go to full arti­cle: Good Exam­ple of How to Raise Money on Kick­starter as a Pho­tog­ra­ph­er What are your thoughts on this arti­cle? Join the dis­cus­sion on Face­book or Google+
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 23:02:48 +0000

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