Photo from last years season opener at Philadelphia for this - TopicsExpress


Photo from last years season opener at Philadelphia for this Veterans Day, and a story to think about... When my mother retired as a Colonel from the Air National Guard, I went to her retirement dinner as dutiful son should. She received a plaque and various other trinkets for her many years of service and it was a nice send-off into the world of retirement and gardening, her favorite past time. I dont remember much about the dinner to be honest, but I do remember that one of the Generals came up to me when he found out I was her son. He thanked me for MY service. I was little taken aback... Im not in the military, I said. Yes you were, he said. Whether you know it or not, family support is one of the most important things to a soldier, and thats not easy to give. Soldiers are away from their families for months and sometimes years. They are called away at a moments notice without regard to what is happening in their home. Births, deaths, graduations, holidays, when a soldier is called all of that must go on without them. Many families are broken by the strain this causes, he continued, and I just wanted to take a moment to say, Thank You for being there for your soldier. He shook my hand and walked off. I was surprised, and a bit humbled. I suddenly saw that ALL of those people at the party, and not just those in uniforms, were part of the military. They had all given portions of their lives to this country. It really stuck with me, and on this Veterans Day, lets remember not only the soldiers, but those who have given up time with their loved ones in service to our country. Remember those who have stuck with their soldiers, who have spent birthdays apart or alone. Remember those who managed to raise a child without the help of a spouse for long periods, and kept the home front in order. While a Veterans service is easy to see (although underappreciated), there are others who make it possible, and sometimes must give up their loved ones permanently. Thank you to all Veterans and a BIG thanks to all their families for keeping them in your hearts! (Sharing always allowed on my posts.)
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 14:49:05 +0000

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