Photos from Amanda Christine Wittners post in Plexus Slim - TopicsExpress


Photos from Amanda Christine Wittners post in Plexus Slim Testimonials Only My sons ADHD Testimony: Now, I don’t want to get ahead of myself but I thought I would share with you some things I have noticed since my son started Plexus Slim and Probio5 two weeks ago. My son is 8 years old and ever since he started school back in Kindergarten I have gotten phone call after phone call about his behavior. He was diagnosed with ADHD and we have tried so many different meds with no change and some that even made things worse. We have even tried counseling and different discipline techniques and nothing seems to help. At home he is very impulsive and constantly pesters his brother and cousins. He is always so negative and angry and acts as if he has the worst life ever. There is just no pleasing this kid, he would even argue with you if you told him the sky is blue. The school can’t seem to get him to participate or focus on his work. He thinks he can do whatever he wants and when he gets mad he has a major meltdown and starts throwing stuff, tipping over desks, disrespecting teachers and more. You can only imagine what it is like trying to get him to do his homework. I am so mentally exhausted that I just cry when I get a phone call or have to go talk to the school. As a parent I can’t help but think it’s my fault and wonder what I am doing wrong. When I kept seeing testimonies about Plexus helping kids with ADHD I thought why not, what have I got to lose? I started him on a Tuesday and that Friday he came home with a huge stack of missing papers that were never turned in. I thought to myself, “why would they do this to me, 1 paper is bad enough but now this?” Saturday morning when we woke up I told him to get started on his work. To my surprise there was no arguing, he went right in there and started. He came to me a few times with questions but continued doing his work. The picture on the left is a picture of all the papers he got through before starting to give me any trouble. I was blown away! Today has been two weeks since he started Plexus and he came home with the note in the picture on the right. I cried when I read it. When you are constantly hearing about how awful your son is you can only imagine what it is like to hear something good for a change. I have noticed that when he gets mad it doesn’t last for hours at a time, he is usually over it in a few minutes. He doesn’t argue nearly as much and is willing to do things we ask him to do. He has started getting along better with his brother and cousins and my sister even mentioned that she noticed a difference in his attitude. I can actually enjoy being around him again! I am by no means saying that my son is perfect now, he still has his days and gets in trouble for things but if the changes I have noticed already are all that he gets out of Plexus I am completely okay with that, we will still continue using it. Thank you Plexus for giving this desperate mom some hope! Note: I did get Doctors approval before giving Plexus to my son! — with Amanda briscoe and 5 others. By: Amanda Christine Wittner Teri Bown plexussilm/TeriBrown
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 13:12:26 +0000

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