Phrases Of Nonsense. Another RobbD Rant. Be forewarned. This - TopicsExpress


Phrases Of Nonsense. Another RobbD Rant. Be forewarned. This will have no references to anything paranormal. It wont have a sweet wrap-up. It will be a straight-up rant. In fact, stop reading now. 1. Dont hate the player, hate the game. A bit of a new one, but the inanity of this phrase bothers me. It is essentially saying There is a possibility of wrong doing allowed within the system. So, do not hold me accountable for making the most of this. Wrong Jagoff. There is such a thing as personal responsibility. Just because there is a loophole that allows you to lie, cheat, and steal, does not mean I cant dislike you AND the game. Then you can call the person calling your bs out a hater. Youre right, but dont hate the truth-teller, hate yourself. 2. Im sorry you took it that way. What a stupid cop-out. What it really means is Im sorry...that YOU made a mistake. There are lots of variants of this Im sorry you feel that way....Im sorry you didnt get what I was saying. Look dipsh*t, if you dont want to apologize for something, dont. Dont say you are sorry for the other person. It just demonstrates that you are a prick. Youre welcome. 3. Thats just the way I am. A little history lesson. Animals (humans included), survive because of their adaptability. The giraffe got a long neck to reach the higher leaves. It is not good enough to just say that you have a bad temper and thats it. Go to a bookstore and pick up a book on anger management. You are not a machine that is just pre-programmed. You arent Popeye. The I am what I am defense is stupid in itself, and makes you look foolish for using it. This world has an incredible amount of bullsh*t around each and every one of us. When you turn on the tv, connect to the internet, listen to an argument, you are bombarded by lies, treachery, nastiness, and idiocy. It then becomes your job to raise one boot forward out of the much and keep marching towards a better path. Dont like what I said? Defriend away! Just dont msg me and ask if Im okay. Im fine and dandy. That being said, if you REALLY hate what i wrote, then Im sorry you took it that way, but its just the way I am. RobbD.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 11:14:08 +0000

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