Pick any day in your life, and your movements affect people. - TopicsExpress


Pick any day in your life, and your movements affect people. Yesterday I was trying to leave Gabriel Bros. and feeling very frazzled with all 3 of my Rowdies with me. My kids were at the gum machines, and Im all exasperated, you know. We need to leave. A lady walked in breezily, as if she had come exactly for us, walked right over to me and said, Are these your children? May I? Nodding to her wallet. Yes, I laughed, Cuz, I sure was gonna say no! She handed my kids each a quarter, even the baby, and walked through the doors, into the store, before I could get my Three to thank her. When we got to the car, Elle was just beaming, and said, This is our LUCKY day. That lady was so kind, mom. Later, at the end of the day, I drive to Aldi, and am sitting in my van, waiting, while a little car is backing out of the spot I want. A gentle-faced, pony-tailed mom with a pretty, brown-haired (ten year old?) daughter, stands in front of the car pulling out, and flips her off. I kinda blinked, because her look (Im such a stereotyper) didnt really fit with a domestic dispute, if you know what I mean. But then, she paused again, to turn around from her trunk full of groceries, and gave the lady backing her car out, another long flip off. Ok, Im sorry, but I have gotten bolder with age, so as I park, I roll my window down and am starting to ask What was that about? But she is already by my window, breathless and indignant. She starts, THAT Woman was such an &%#$@$. People these days are just awful. Im sorry I just couldnt help it. She was berating the cashier and treating them like they are this big, (she motions a small measure with her two fingers). That really wasnt for you! I know you have kids in here and I am so sorry they had to see that! (I want to say, its not a big deal, flipping someone off looks like a partial-fingered wave to them.) She goes on, They were too nice in there, to say anything, so I took care of it. As she went on, her apparent heroism lulled me, so all I ended up saying was, Well, I was fascinated. But as I drove off, I thought: Hhhm, I guess she kept the cycle going. I wonder what would have happened had she approached the lady with a smile and a sincere, Is everything ok? And broke the ugly cycle. And then I thought of myself. I would have done nothing. I am not proud of how safe and uninvolved I would have been. There are a lot more people Id love to write about, but Ill leave it with those two. Still thinking on how our smallest actions leave a print on people.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 14:45:43 +0000

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