Pics of our 14-Day Eastbound Panama Canal Transit Relocation on - TopicsExpress


Pics of our 14-Day Eastbound Panama Canal Transit Relocation on the Disney Wonder with Judy & Carl Barnard from Sept. 12 - Sept 26, 2014. This is a Bucket List dream weve checked off. Though Panama Canal was rain, rain. rain this time of year, the full day transit of the the canal (plus the night before and the night after anchorage in the pre- and post-canal line-up areas were worth standing in the rain. Lake Gatau,the lake formed in the middle of one of the cuts of the canal is breathtaking. Feeling thankful and blessed to have spent our 43rd Wedding Annivesrary on this cruise on Sept. 25, 2104. Last photo shows Scott in porthole on Disney Wonder as we battened down the hatches to avoid Hurricane Odille on Sept.14 & 15 (having to sail way further southwest than on original course). Cabo San Lucas and Puerta Vaerta [?Spelling] had to be skipped, with Cabo getting 40 foot onshore storm surges and lots of damage. On Sept 16th, the navigator could not sail outside of the quickly-formed strong Tropical Storm, Polo, so we once again battened down the hatches: The photo with Scott in the porthole it shows us in Polo. Lot of rocking, rolling, and cabin shaking throughout that night. No seasickness, though. By the time we sailed into the Panama Canal pre-canal anchorage at 11 p.m. on Sept 19, 2019, the Disney Wonder had set a Disney Cruise Line Record for the longest amount of nautical miles sailed by any Disney ship without seeing land or getting to a port - 3030 nautical miles! Of course, it was because of the hurricane and tropical storms keeping us way out at sea. Scott and I have to stop this hurricane thing. In 2011, we got caught in a 75 knot/hr. Force 12 (thats a hurricane) folks, on the Queen Mary II inbetween Nova Scotia and Greenland from Oct. 4 - 8th. It went on for four days, with 25 nautical feet waves. Now THAT one was a real doozy on a ship. We had to go to our cabins and lie down to keep safe. That didnt matter, the ship knocked us out of our beds twice that night. Queen Mary II made this Octobers Disney Wonder hurricanes look like bathwater going down in a tubs drain! Thanks for listening to my travelog! BTY, by the time we cut off to the Panama Canal, our closest latitude to the Equator was 07 hr 03 min. and 93 secs. at 9:35 a.m. on Sept. 19, 2014. The porthole picture with 30/5506 on it was taken on inside of Deck 3 as we passed through the Panama Canal; numbers indicate canal measures.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 03:18:26 +0000

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