Picture someone coming into your place of business and recording - TopicsExpress


Picture someone coming into your place of business and recording you while screaming at you that youre doing everything wrong, or someone calmly telling people that they are doing their job wrong repeatedly. Now picture youre a police officer, DEA agent, or any other kind of law enforcement officer doing your job all across this nation and every single person that you pull over pulls out their cell phone and films you while criticizes what youre doing. Does that seem like the kind of atmosphere you want to work in? For a moment think about what law enforcement does. They enforce laws. They are trained and commissioned to pull people over, give out tickets, protect lives, and put their lives in harms way. Occasionally, yes, they have to shoot people, arrest people, hold people down. and sometimes hurt people for the public good. I have seen so many videos lately of people being attacked by the police, and I have one thing to ask. What do all of those people have in common? Most times those people are breaking the law. Have you ever noticed that the videos that are posted only show the part where the police are resolving the situation and never the part leading up to the resolution? If you hold a camera in my face when Im doing my job I will suspect that you are up to something. If you are sitting on the front porch of a house notorious for having drug dealers in it, I will suspect that you are involved. If you dont want to be involved in police brutality dont put yourself in the position of being a suspect, and if you want the police to continue to protect us I would recommend that you stop harassing them. I have several friends who are officers in some form or another and I know that their jobs are difficult. I have friends that have had to kill someone in the line of duty, and that is never an easy thing to do. I can honestly say none of my friends who are officers look forward to having to deal with those situations, and none of them look forward to having to put themselves in those situations. But I can guarantee that having someone immediately post, publish, and protest those instances makes it no easier to do the incredibly difficult jobs that those men and women are doing. Next time you see or post one of those videos think on the next statements. Law enforcement officers are doing their jobs. They are trying their hardest to protect and serve. Yes, just like all other 7 billion people on this planet, they make mistakes. Sometimes emotions, adrenaline, and fear get the best of them but we hire these people for a reason. We ask them to lay their life on the line to protect ours. #stopbrutalityonpolice
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 01:42:26 +0000

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