Picture yourself sitting in traffic. You’re trying to turn left - TopicsExpress


Picture yourself sitting in traffic. You’re trying to turn left but there is a nonstop line of cars coming at you. You see a break in the stream of cars and think about punching the gas and going, but you hesitate. After sitting for a few seconds and realizing that you could have made it, you think to yourself, “Man! I should have gone!” That’s life. And, that is how opportunities come. Just like when we find ourselves hesitating for fear that the oncoming car is too close, we feel as though we have missed our chance. We get frustrated. We are sick of staying in the same spot, not moving, because we have places to go! But, what happens after we “should have gone” when we are waiting in traffic? If you drive anything like I do, after we miss our first opportunity to turn, we are more likely to punch the gas even harder the next time we see a chance… And we are more likely to cut someone off in the process because we are less worried about keeping a safe distance. All of the missed opportunities simply make us want the next one even more. The moments of hesitation are learning experiences and give us clarity and perspective. And, those times when we look at our passengers and say “Hold on!” as we accelerate rapidly are just like the moments when we look at our loved ones and say “I got this… Things are changing… Watch me make my dreams come true.” I have hesitated long enough. I chose to stay stagnant when I am sure I could have “turned” before. I wasn’t ready… But I am now. I’ve got the pedal to the floor and I am not slowing down. Amazing things are happening and I cannot properly express how grateful I am that this is my life. I hope that I can inspire some of you to stop hesitating. You can make it now. There is no reason to wait. The time will pass anyway.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 13:56:43 +0000

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