Piece by piece! Little by little! The things we see on tv or - TopicsExpress


Piece by piece! Little by little! The things we see on tv or through the media are not by coincidence, about what is happening to this country! These particular subjects are on the radar for a purpose, so that Obama and his cronies can distract us all the while flying under the radar on other issues while no one is paying attention. While the masses are so focused on certain issues , as we may think it hurts this administration, they are laughing, cause as we walk out the front door they are walking in the back! An piece by piece , little by little they are tearing apart the foundation of which this country was built upon! Sometimes they take a large piece and its very noticeable, but most of the time its things we never even hear about! Small things that individually may not be so bad, but when you add them up and look at the big picture you can visibly see what is happening, and how he is doing it! Hes an evil genius! He owns the media, he who speaks out against him is completely tarnished and made out to be the enemy! Throughout his 5 years, things just always seem to go in his favor, and its odd! For example , gun control debates arise, suddenly theres another mass shooting! Regardless of the weapon used the media always says Assault Rifle , or when hes being challenged on an issue , just so happens a major disaster occurs, etc. etc. Im sure you get my point, but its getting old seeing the fire heat up a little around him , and before you know it our focused is forced to a different issue , and everything keeps getting swept under the rug! If it were GW , you bet your ass hed be on the hot seat until the dems were satisfied that he had been out through the ringer Crash
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 22:14:10 +0000

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