Pike County District Attorney Raymond Tonkin, who said he would - TopicsExpress


Pike County District Attorney Raymond Tonkin, who said he would seek the death penalty, told reporters that Frein’s capture Thursday brought a degree of comfort to the region after an “unimaginable loss of unspeakable proportions.” $10,000,000 in tax payers money plus disruption costs, 48 days, 1,000 active police officers from three different states later and they finally found infamous Eric Frein. Now that a state police officers loss of life is considered an “unimaginable loss of unspeakable proportions” and resulted in such aggressive efforts to catch him, I expect this to be the norm when ANYONE goes missing or whenever ANYONE is killed. We all know that isnt going to happen. Im not belittling anythings life. I believe even bugs and animals have the right to live the same as humans. Unfortunately, we were created to consume other living things. This is something I have learned to accept. Every single death is an “unimaginable loss of unspeakable proportions.” Yes, I eat meat and plants. Dont go there with the animal abuse that comes with eating meat. I already get it. However, a state trooper, a child, a woman walking alone in a dark alley, a drug addict, the mentally ill, plants, animals, bugs, they all deserve to be able to live. Except maybe spiders in my apartment. Seriously though, I dont really find any additional or lesser of a worth in anythings life over another and it upsets me that the our government acts so thouroughly only when its one of their own.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 19:24:35 +0000

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