Pilot~ Did Fatty tell you to keep mum again? Every day is the same - TopicsExpress


Pilot~ Did Fatty tell you to keep mum again? Every day is the same thing huh. Sidekick thinks it must be very frustrating to want to talk to your beloved but you can’t. It brings to mind what munchkin feels with certain ppl too. Most ppl is ok, but a few just don’t get her and try as she might, she can’t make them understand her. Munchkin usually tries to avoid them. lol She’s a good kid. When munchkin was a little kid and her mama (moi..lol) was trying to teach her sign language, it was a hoot. Her motor skills were so poor plus she has memory problem. “Water” became “Yes”..haha So confusing only and munchkin thought it was absolutely correct. How dare sidekick tell munchkin it is wrong? lol We finally decided Picture Communication Symbols (PCS) was a better bet for her. She is very visual and she know to use approximations she learned in sign language and adapt them to PCS too. One time, sidekick lost the picture for “Mac and cheese” so munchkin use the “noodles” pic. Lol Sidekick thought that was quite ingenious. There are so much that one can do with PCS with the advent of the iPad. Yours is a different kind of mute in that it is forced upon pilot. It’s a form of discrimination by Fatty becos sidekick doesn’t like pilot talking to sidekick. It’s discrimination becos it puts you at a disadvantage and you don’t have the power to say “NO” to Fatty. If you did, you suffer the consequences of having your privilege of seeing sidekick’s FB page taken from you by Fatty. Sidekick hopes this open the eyes of pilot as well as the public to issues that pilot faces as well as ppl with disabilities faces too with some ppl. Pilot doesn’t have any disability. His disability is forced upon him. Others with disability have them through no fault of their own. Sidekick thinks it is great that the public is now much more aware of issues faced by the disabled population, and it all stems from great ppl with disabilities who champion their cause and become the light of the world for others to see. Sidekick plays this video tonight on the amazing Helen Keller. Some of you may know her but few knew she could understand so many languages. Lol Sidekick will have to purchase the hotel tomorrow since the public library’s pc all died today. lol How many of you say they died becos the hackers knew sidekick was about to make a hotel rental? Haha Sidekick sez tomorrow, those pcs better be up and running. Worse case scenario, sidekick may have to go to the hotel itself and buy it directly from the front desk but it will be more expensive. Sidekick doesn’t use sidekick’s laptop becos the hackers messes with it whenever sidekick tries to find hotels. Anyway, that’s for tomorrow. Sidekick will bring up the photo albums from the bottom in about 30 minutes from now. Tomorrow, sidekick will be online between 12 noon till 1 pm US EST. See you then! =) https://youtube/watch?v=gbCk_DQCOp4
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 04:43:42 +0000

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