Pimples, AHHH NO!! Well, I wont be doing a makeup today cause I - TopicsExpress


Pimples, AHHH NO!! Well, I wont be doing a makeup today cause I woke up with a pimple! AHHHH!! I need to give the sucker time to die so I figured I would talk a little bit about acne. It sucks. It really does. So what can we do about it? Well, if youre under the care of a dermatologist, do whatever he or she says. That should be a no brainer. For the rest of us, its a battle or a slight annoyance. This next bit is for people like me who get pimples once in a while, get that magical monthly time chin acne or have mild acne on their face, neck, and/or shoulders. Do not be embarrassed about neck/shoulder/back acne! We ALL have it or will have it at some point. Its not gross or something to be ashamed about, just something we need to heal up! Now for me, I usually get the occasional nose pimple, those little hurty bastards right under the nose.. uhhggg, or once in a while on my forehead. I do get acne on my neck because I sleep weird. Im ok with it, cause I know how to destroy pimples, and so will you. DO NOT POP YOUR PIMPLES! I can not stress this enough. If you just HAVE to pop it I want to give you the professional, clean and safe way to do so. So please before you squeeze, watch this: https://youtube/watch?v=508Owe4-tiQ You might be asking, why all the hoopla about tissue finger mits and steam and exfoliation? Ill explain! First lets start with your fingernails. Even after you wash your hands, under your fingernails is disgusting, even short nails. How disgusting? Ill show ya what lives there under washed hands: Microbe Genera Found Underneath the Fingernails Bacteria Fungus Yeast Pseudomonas Trichophyton Candida Staphylococcus Epidermophyton Rhodotorula Acinetobacter Acremonium Enterobacter Aspergillus Klebsiella Scopulariopsis Aeromonas Cladosporium Serratia Gross right? This is why when people have a bug bite or inflamed folliculitis (infected hair follicle), and scratch and scratch, the bug bite gets infected, much larger and bigger. This can turn into anything from a cyst to Necrotizing fasciitis aka the flesh eating bacteria. We ALL have this on our skin. Dont think youre immune because you have a fancy house or shower 40 times a day. Its there living on you and under your nails harmlessly, until you break the skin. Remember that doorknob you grabbed? That shoe you put on? That nose you wiped? That butt you scratched? Yaaa... So wash your hands before you touch your face in any manor! So why the finger mitts from the video? This is basically damage control. When you pop a pimple you weaken the pore. Think of a full balloon as your pore and the air the puss and oil inside it. Release the air and the balloon becomes flimsy and weak. If you straight up squeeze that weak follicle you will damage it. That will cause anything from black heads to pits. You will have those forever. Also, we dont want broken capillaries. The tiny, tiny capillaries feed the skin vital nutrients and oxygen and removes the nasty crap. Oxygen to your skin is the best thing ever. It keeps it supple and youthful. You break the capillaries and you now have basically a dead zone. Sure its just a little one, but we all get acne in generally the same areas through out our lives. Over time, those dead zones build up. Its like putting salt in your garden. Eventually your garden is dead. So, now we know how to extract like a pro, now what? Now we want to heal that open wound, because that is exactly what youve created, a micro wound. Like any wound, it needs care. I use, now surprise, dermalogicas Clearing Face Wash to make sure that area is clean before and after a pimple or blackhead extraction. Now to help that lil wound out. The best product I have seen for small acne to cystic acne is Dermalogicas Overnight Clearing Gel If you only ever buy one Dermalogica product, this would be it. It has cleared the faces of people using other products. If you never change brands of skin care, and if its working for you, dont, get this product! I have had my 1.7 oz bottle for over a year now. A very little bit goes a very long way. When I say little, I mean the size of a pinhead or smaller for a pimple or small cluster of pimples. It is potent stuff that can clear up pimples in 12-24 hours. You might be wondering about exfliations. I use Dermogolicas Gentle Cream Exfoliant. because I can not use mechanical exfoliants. Those are the various scrubs. If youre using St. Ives apricot scrub I want you to throw that shit away right now! Its literally ripping your face up. When I use a scrub, what happens it it just loosens up other skin cells that werent completely dead. Then when I put on my makeup, I look like my face is pealing. The used of a gentle chemical exfoliant I find is not only better for aging skin but more effective. Aging skin is special skin. It really needs to be pampered and babied. It Has to remain fresh and hydrated but not oily. This is why I recommend a good aging moisturizer (ill cover that soon) and drinking at Least 3 bottles of water a day. I can not stress how important hydrating your skin is. So, happy pimple murdering in a safe way! Remember, your face is very delicate at any age. Take care of it, even if youre 60, its never too late to take care of your skin! Healthy skin means a healthy body! Hope you lovelies found this helpful!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 19:09:15 +0000

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