Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Oct 2014 By Susan Miller This - TopicsExpress


Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Oct 2014 By Susan Miller This will be a busy month, for it holds two eclipses, and eclipses are important to note, for they are the most dramatic way the universe creates quick progress. The last pair of eclipses (they always come in pairs) arrived on April 15 and April 28, and both were surrounded with extremely tough aspects so back in April, I named them monster eclipses. Although I cannot see all the unique planetary placements and aspects in your chart from where I sit, I will say that you should surely find the new eclipses in October to be easier and friendlier than the April eclipses. Before I tell you about the eclipses, I need to mention that Mercury will be retrograde from October 4 to October 26, not a time to make key decisions or actions. Mercury will be spending the lions share of its time in your eighth house of other peoples money. Take things slow, for this is a month to observe and wait, not push forward on any front. To rush would be to be out of sync with the universe. Do not buy any electronics until November - not a car, not a computer or a kitchen appliance - for later you have a high likelihood of regretting your purchase. If you plan to close on a house, move the date to next month, but when you do, avoid tough day November 12. Because Mercury will be sliding backward in a financial house, you may find that commission, licensing fees, child support, an unemployment check, as four examples, may be held up, so you may need to have contingency plans. The environment will be changing rapidly although you wont have any evidence that it is just yet. This is a truth you will get to see in time, in hindsight. The priorities you have now in place will change, and that will affect your purchases too. Sit tight and keep reassessing your upcoming decisions and assumptions. I feel almost all emotional suffering that is encountered in life is due to misguided assumptions and expectations. Sharpen those and make sure they are accurate, and you instantly will have a happier life. Now lets talk about this months two eclipses. The October eclipses will be fairly friendly, and will hark back to discussions to conditions that arose in April. The April 15 eclipse was likely very hard on your income and bank account, for any number of reasons. You may have had high expenses, could not get clients to pay you (perhaps because one or two went bankrupt), or because you could not work because you were ill. If you are an artist or writer, you may have had to cancel appearances due to conditions beyond your control, or if you have a family member out of work, you may have had to help your beloved relative financially. Other Pisces worked for a company that was forced to lay off people, and possibly, last April, you were among those who had to leave. Others found their tax bill to be very high, giving you enormous sticker shock when your accountant told you what was due. There were almost unlimited reasons April was not your favorite month. This trend seems to have followed you for five months, so it didnt just stop in April. Now there is a good chance all this may get reversed. This new eclipse, in Aries, in your earned income sector, suggests a big change in the way you will earn your income is coming up. I feel this eclipse October 8 will benefit you in an outstanding way. This full moon eclipse comes conjunct Uranus, so you may be very shocked by news when the eclipse initially arrives, for news will come out of the blue and not be anything you anticipated. You may be so rattled you may not be able to think straight, but take a deep breath - you seem to be moving to a very happy resolve, and quickly too. Sometimes the universe has to pull you out of one situation to give you a golden opportunity in another. I am so optimistic about your outlook because we will have a fire-sign golden triangle appear in the sky on October 9 and 10 (and you will feel it before and after it occurs, for the planets are moving slowly). This golden triangle is in fire signs, and although you are a water sign, you have fire signs on the cusps of important career and money houses. I will describe this golden triangle in detail because they are so rare. Its hard to get three planets to cooperate mathematically to near exact degree, but we do in early October. Mars and Jupiter will be ideally angled, on the nose in perfect degree, and Uranus will be within two tiny degrees of linking to Jupiter and Mars. I call that perfection! The first side of the golden triangle will point to Mars, the energy planet, in Sagittarius, lighting your lofty, prestigious professional (tenth house). Mars entered this house last month and has been raising your profile quite a bit. You have had, and will continue to have, no trouble getting your foot in the door of influential VIPs. Mercury will still be retrograde, so dont take a new job if you dont have to do so in October - give your final answer in November. Gosh, dear Pisces, Mars will be in the most prestigious part of your chart, your tenth house of fame and honors, until October 25, the day Mercury goes direct. If you go back to reconnect and speak to VIPs who know you from the past, you will need not be concerned with Mercury retrograde, as you will be continuing a long standing relationship, not starting a new one. The second side of the golden triangle will have Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in your sixth house of work assignments. If you are self-employed (Pisces loves to work for themselves, so that may be you), this will translate into a very important assignment that should show up very soon after the eclipse. This project one will have legs and take you places. By that I mean, new jobs will come from the work you do in the last three months of the year, and your reputation and ability to handle increasingly complex projects will become evident. This same sixth house should help you improve your health too, as some Pisces have had medical problems since last April. This eclipse will be in Aries, on the same axis (same family of signs) as you experienced with the April 15 eclipse. That April eclipse was a monster, but this one will be a little lamb. Very often one eclipse in the same series will reverse the news and difficult hardships of the earlier eclipse (April 15). At the very least, the discussion will advance forward to a new, more sophisticated level, and perhaps your doctor can make a better diagnosis for you and you may feel better. The last side of the golden triangle holds Uranus, planet of surprise, and sits in your earned income house. Rather than give you problems, Uranus will be your favorite uncle. He will see to it that you are paid very well, much to your shock (this time, the shock will be very positive). Uranus can be a difficult planet when he is in a bad mood, but under the triangle, he will be good as gold, just like your guardian angel. Uranus will be receiving superb vibrations from both Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in your workaday sector (sixth house), and action planet Mars, now in your house of career victories (tenth house). I feel you are about to score a big breakthrough. The months other eclipse, October 23, will fall in Scorpio, 0 degrees, in one of the houses I had been talking about just now, your sixth house of health and work assignments. This is one of the friendliest eclipses of the year, and will open a new path for you to enjoy travel, possibly overseas. Or, you may be asked by an international country abroad to do some work for them where you live, and never have to leave town. Immigration issues can be solved as a result of the October 23 eclipse, or you may hear good news about an academic concern. You may successfully defend your thesis, or be admitted to the institution of your choice. You may hear from the courts about a court case or a filing you made concerning a patent or trademark, and want to celebrate. Full moon lunar eclipses end things (October 8), and new moon solar eclipses (October 23) begin things, most often by opening up new opportunities. Most eclipses (75 percent) deliver their news on or near the day the eclipse arrives, within a week. However, they can deliver news one month to the day later (about 20 percent), which would bring you up to November 8 and November 23. A few eclipses deliver their news before they arrive (5 percent), so think back to September 8 and September 23 for possible hints at themes to come. This solar eclipse is tied to events that happened April 28, so scan your email for discussions you were having at that time too. I feel this months helpful eclipse will be a blessing. This month has a plethora of happy aspects, so have a look at those. On October 13-14, you may get news of a new assignment or praise on an ongoing assignment, thanks to the conversation between Venus and Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. Good money for you is likely to result, as both Venus and Jupiter are associated with financial gain. On October 15, the Sun, now in Libra in your eighth house of other peoples money, will reach out to Mars in your house of fame and honors. This would be a great day to put in an application for a mortgage or refinancing plan, or if you are changing jobs, to discuss company benefits like vacation days, flex work hours (and the possibility of working one day a week at home), or such perks as health insurance and bonuses. If you hand in an application, be sure to check all financials for accuracy. October 20 will be a day that brings two benefits, in two different parts of life. If you are thinking of giving your home a facelift with some new pieces of furniture or small but beautiful accessories, go shopping on this day. While I would prefer you actually buy expensive things in November, you can browse your favorite shops to see your options. If the item is small like throw pillows, you can buy what you like, and see how it looks in your living room. Save the receipt in case you want to make an exchange. Major purchases of furniture would be best selected, paid for, and shipped to you in November The other bonus from this shimmering day is that you and your significant other should get along famously. If you need to talk about any sticky topic, this might be a good day to bring it up - Mercury will see that you find all the right words to express your feelings, with compassion and warmth. Things will continue to get better and better. On October 25, Mars will energize your social life by being in Capricorn, from October 25 to December 4. This will be the most social time youve had through all of 2014! The emphasis on career will tone down, and you will get a chance to enjoy holiday parties and gatherings. You will have much more interaction with your friends than you have had, and you will enjoy your time with them. This wont be just fun time, however - Mars has dominion over your income, so you may get a tip while attending a party or other gathering. You may want to join a club this month, social or professional, and it would benefit you. The month will end on a lovely note. On October 27, Venus in Scorpio will be in ideal angle to Neptune in Pisces, planet of inspiration and selfless love. This is a grand time to travel, or to focus on artistic work. This also is a very glamorous time for romance. On October 28, the day following October 27, instead of Venus, it will be the mighty Sun that will meet with Neptune, a wonderful aspect to enhance creativity and love. You may do a charity event on this day, and whether your participation is large or small, you will be so glad you got involved, for you will know you made a difference to that charity. Venus will be in Scorpio, a fellow water sign like yours, from October 23 to November 16, giving you a big boost to your love life. Whether you are attached or single, that period will be a great time to enjoy love. In Novembers first two weeks, look for new clothes for the holiday season, as it will give you added confidence when you step out. Talk with your hairstylist too - he or she may have great ideas to freshen up your look. Summary Pisces has had a hard time with finances, and the ironic part is that for most Pisces, you probably did nothing wrong to bring on the continual stress you have been feeling. It appears conditions around you have been unstable and that you have valiantly worked to keep up with the rollercoaster affect that you and your finances have been through. Your money has, at times, brought news better than you could have ever anticipated, and at the same time, you may have received financial news that jarred you and made you wonder if all was lost. Dear Pisces, you are simply being buffeted by the eclipses, and eventually, in March 2016, that family of eclipses will be over. No one feels every eclipse in every given series (a planet has to be contacted to feel it), so dont become too concerned. Saturn has finally stopped taunting you from a financial house in October 2012, a place this taskmaster planet had been for two previous years, which was a help, but then Uranus began creating instability in March 2011 and has remained a thorn in your side from your house of other peoples money ever since. This part of your chart includes royalties, commissions, venture capital, inheritance, credit, taxes, mortgage and refinancing plans, taxes, grants and scholarships, and other such funding - the area to give you surprises, and not always ones you liked. Everyone likes to see a steady, stable flow, but with Uranus there, thats not to be for a while. The upside is at times you will get sensational news out of the blue from time to time, so keep that in mind too. Admittedly, the eclipses have not helped - think back to news you received on October 18, 2013, and April 15, 2014, and now, the next, October 8, 2014. This month, adverse financial news may come like a thunderbolt, but before you go to pieces, realize that you can turn this eclipse to your favor. This eclipse is very different from the last one that occurred in April. A golden triangle will appear in the sky, a signal the universe is standing by to help you. With a very friendly Mars, lighting your house of fame and honors, it appears your reputation precedes you and that the excellent buzz about you will help you turn any reversal to your favor. All our success will lead you to more salary and fees, which is not always the case, but will be now! On October 10, your ancient ruler, Jupiter, and the Sun will signal one another on your behalf, and work assignments and a generous check for you will go hand in hand. Its a four-star day, and some of the financial news of the eclipse may be mitigated by what happens on this day, only days after the October 8 eclipse. Mercury will be retrograde all month, from October 4 to 26, so you must leave your options open, and not commit to any one course of action just yet. Everything is shifting, but the deceptive part is that all will seem stable - the changes will be happening under the surface, unseen, and will only come to light later this year. Do not buy any electronics - not a new smart phone or computer, or any other electronic, car, or appliance, for later you will have wished you had waited. The second eclipse, October 23, a friendly one, may bring an important trip overseas, or an assignment - most likely involving the media - you do in your own native country to fulfill a request from a foreign company. The courts will have a prominent presence too, so if you have waited for a verdict to come through, or a trademark or copyright to be approved, you may hear news after this new moon eclipse arrives in Scorpio. This is the friendliest eclipse of 2014, and will open a door that is important to you. You may settle an immigration / passport / visa or green card issue, or since academia will be accented, you may take an important qualifying exam, or defend your thesis and have it approved. Love and fun will take up more of your time after Mars moves out of your career sector and into your friendship sector on October 25, to stay until December 4. That phase will be very lively and bring you not only in contact with your usual circle of friends, but new people will enter too, and some will be fascinating, creative, and yet practical types you will want to get to know better. You will sense the new people in your life will have something to offer you, and you would be right about that. During your socializing, you may hear a tip about a new possible client, and it appears your new friends would be willing to give you a nice reference too. The last week of October should be quite glamorous, for your ruler, Neptune, will signal love planet Venus and the mighty Sun, October 18-20 and October 28. This would be a great time to cook up a romantic evening or to present a powerful creative idea to an important VIP. Dates to note: PISCES Most important dates for love, meetings, or actions: October 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 20, 23-24 (wild card) 25, 27-28. Mercury will be retrograde in Scorpio / Libra from October 4 to 26. Expect delays and to have to backtrack a great deal this month. October 4 could be a very positive, exciting, and unexpectedly positive day for your career. Money would accompany the prestigious work youd do, thanks to Mars in perfect sync with Uranus. The eclipse of October 8 will bring changes to the way you earn your income or it may bring on possible expenses. News will initially seem shocking. Alternatively, money you counted on coming may be held up or not come at all. You may need contingency plans. As you see, this month has very up and down news. Dont give up or become frantic. That same week, the golden triangle will appear, linking Jupiter, Uranus, and Mars - a major list of heavy-duty planets - and like the cavalry, on horseback, with bugles blaring, all there to help you. A happy day will be October 10, when matters of health and of work assignments will go well. Are you working on a home decor or renovation project? Are you hoping to buy or sell property? Circle October 20 as a day when all the pieces of your puzzle may fall into place. Mars in Sagittarius until October 25 will keep your profile high in your industry - your name will be the buzz. This trend will make it easier for you than ever to get into the offices of a VIP to talk about more power and responsibility for you, and a better title. Once Mars enters Capricorn from October 25 to December 5, life will become lighter, softer and much more social. The solar eclipse of October 23 in Scorpio may bring a foreign trip, or an assignment from an international source. Its also possible a broadcasting or publishing project will leap to importance for you. A legal matter may come to front and center for you too. Unlike the other eclipse, this one is special, opening a new door to opportunities, and may solve something youve been wrestling with since April. Your outlook for your health is looking up too, thanks to the October 23 eclipse. My New Apps for Android, Samsung Galaxy, and iPhone are Ready to Download!
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 22:52:45 +0000

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