Pisces OCTOBER 6, 2014 - OCTOBER 12, 2014 Youre soon likely - TopicsExpress


Pisces OCTOBER 6, 2014 - OCTOBER 12, 2014 Youre soon likely to enjoy a gentle but needed bump when it comes to money. The planet of love, acceptance and creativity is asking you to become the person everyone sees as successful and the standard to live up to. You are a role model to others, even if you may not realize it yet. They see the potential in you, and you may actually hear from someone who can make you feel great about yourself this week, so keep your ears open. The past may intrude upon the present to a marked degree today. A former lover may come back into your life through some strange quirk of fate. It may be that there is some unfinished business that needs to be talked over, or something that you still need to acknowledge about the relationship. Use this chance to make amends in any way suitable. Today your thoughts may turn to fashion and the different ways in which you can improve your wardrobe. Dont be afraid to create a look that reflects your true inner spirit. Deck yourself in external splendor to illustrate the many different colors and layers that you carry on the inside. Dont hesitate to pick up a fashion magazine at the grocery store. Overindulgence is a big theme for you today. You may find yourself constantly craving food throughout the workday. Perhaps someone offers you a treat from the candy jar on his or her desk. By mid-afternoon, you have raided the entire jar. You could feel highly sensitive today. Try not to beat yourself up with your melancholy. You may be tempted to drown your sorrows in a big tub of ice cream, but you know this will ultimately make you feel worse. Consider putting on some relaxing music and getting down on the floor, gently stretching out your muscles. Try to make this into a personal routine and stick to it for a few weeks. Youll be glad you did.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 09:13:32 +0000

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