Pissed Off Rant Alert: Gotta say im pretty sick of posturing - TopicsExpress


Pissed Off Rant Alert: Gotta say im pretty sick of posturing musicians/ drummers I have to deal with on an all too regular basis. How many times does it need to be said: Music is not a competition! And to whatever degree others may competitively view it, I most certainly do not. I give no prompting or reason for anyone to feel it necessary to get into that headspace with me. Cant recall the last time I felt it necessary to start mentally arm wrestling about all the accomplishments (and I use that term loosely) Ive made on my instrument because there is absolutely nothing to be gained by that. There are so many incredible musicians that mop the floor with me in this city alone, its staggering. Any sense of accomplishment I have is a source of personal pride - emphasis on personal - that I would be motifyingly embarrassed to express out of need for ego inflation. Those drummers/ musicians whose insecurities are so unbelievably apparent need to RELAX. Do the mature thing and accept your limitations whilst still honoring the accomplishments of others; it need not destroy your sense of self to have someone out there whos better than you are. Cuz news flash: there will always be someone better than you. And if you cant handle that, if your self-identity is so incredibly fragile that you have to act like a complete idiot to make up for it, then either become the best player thats ever lived, or grow up. As much as my ego gets injured on a regular basis from seeing all the talent out there that doesnt revolve around the solar system that is Jansen Richard, I always try to take the absolute positive out of that and use it to inspire me. I never, ever, EVER try to desperately and ridiculously save face, belittle anyone else in a false attempt to assuage my own feelings of inadequacy, or partake in aggrandizing my own abilities or status because I feel threatened. Conducting oneself with grace and acceptance of limitations is the only way to go. The musicians and people I have the most respect for are those that possess abilities and talent truly beyond measure, and yet have treated me with utter humility and a welcoming heart. I strive to conduct myself the same way. So again, if youre a posturing, chest-thumping, troglodyte, gorilla-esque, insecure, self-aggrandizing, pontificating wiener of a drummer/ musician, please stop talking to me - lets just go straight to the arm wrestling competition. Or better yet, go waste someone elses time whos better suited to indulge those awful traits in you, cuz im busy trying to better myself by NOT doing that. I need a beer now.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 16:59:46 +0000

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