Pistachio ~ 開心果 - TopicsExpress


Pistachio ~ 開心果 吃開心果(pistachios)不只讓您心情開心,連身體也跟著開心。因為根據研究指出,每日食用一小撮的開心果可以降低體內的膽固醇(cholesterol),同時也可以提供類似像是食用了深色蔬菜或色彩鮮豔的水果中所含有的抗氧化劑一般讓您的身體更健康。 「只要一到兩小撮 - 大約也就是 1.5 到 3 盎司左右的開心果數量,就可以大幅降低造成心血管疾病主因之一的低密度膽固醇(LDL)的含量。如果在高劑量的食用下,亦可降低脂蛋白的比例。」Sarah K. gebauer 這樣說到。他是生物科學的研究生,並在參與四月 30 日於華盛頓特區舉辦的生物實驗會議中做出了這樣的表示。 研究人員進行了一項隨機抽樣、交叉設計的食物攝取研究實驗,這是為了要進行食用開心果會對心血管造成什麼樣影響的研究。因為我們都知道飲食中若包含了太多的脂肪將大幅提昇心血管疾病的風險。藉著控制食物攝取實驗則提供了在研究期間,依照研究計畫來攝取特定食物的控制。 參與受試者將藉著食用平均美國飲食組成的食物 - 包含有 35% 的總脂肪以及 11% 的飽和脂肪共兩個星期。接著在四周內測試三種飲食狀況,每兩週將打破一次飲食習慣。 所有飲食的第一階段是使用膽固醇含量較低的飲食。所謂而第一階段飲食包含以下各組:飲食中不包含開心果,同時有 25% 的總脂肪及 8% 的飽和脂肪;以及每天 1.5 盎司的開心果,30% 的總脂肪以及 8% 的飽和脂肪酸;每日 3 盎司的開心果,包含 34% 總脂肪以及 8%的飽和脂肪。研究人員將開心果加入飲食當中,包含在餐包當中含有一半數量的開心果或是加入像是開心果鬆餅、granola 麥片及開心果醬(pistachio pesto)這類的食物。 「我們有相當願意配合的受試者願意遵照我們所需要的飲食來攝取。」Gebauer 這樣說到。 標準血液測試是測試這些參與實驗者在攝取飲食之後血液中膽固醇的含量。研究人員發現,3 盎司的開心果可以降低血液中總膽固醇的數量大約 8.4%,此外,低密度脂蛋白的數量也降低了 11.6%,這些低密度脂蛋白被稱為壞的膽固醇。研究還發現一些非高密度脂蛋白(non-HDL)也降低了 11.2%。非高密度脂蛋白是用來評估心血管疾病罹患率的風險因子。 食用 3 盎司的開心果也同時降低了總膽固醇對 HDL、LDL 對 HDL 以及非高密度脂蛋白對 HDL 及 apolipoprotein B 等三項比值。這些都是是否罹患心血管疾病風險的量測。「我們也發現針對攝取兩種不同開心果劑量對於脂蛋白比值所出現的差別,因為這代表開心果確實會產生一些影響,同時它們所發揮的作用也是劑量依賴(dose dependent)的關係。」 此外,在研究其間,研究人員也注意到飲食過程裡,因抗氧化劑存在於血液中而發生的 LDL 被氧化現象之影響。 「我們正嘗試著去瞭解如果增加抗氧化劑的程度是否與開心果的存在與否有關,開心果是否可以減低發炎及氧化的現象?」Gebauer 說到。開心果中含有許多的葉黃素(lutein)- 這個成分通常會存在於深色蔬菜中,beta-胡蘿蔔素(beta carotene)- 維他命 A 的前驅物,以及 gamma 生育醇(gamma tocopherol)- 主要會形成維生素 E,等成分比其他堅果來得豐富。LDL 及其他脂蛋白的氧化會造成動脈阻塞(圖 5)。 研究人員發現,跟一般飲食比較起來,不管是每天食用 1.5 盎司的開心果或是 3 盎司的開心果,均可以降低 LDL 氧化現象的發生。富含開心果的飲食同時也明顯的增加了血液中葉黃素的含量。尤其是食用 3 盎司的實驗組中,葉黃素量增加的特別明顯,同時也與降低了 LDL 氧化現象息息相關。這也許指出了存在於開心果中的葉黃素確實可以藉由降低 LDL 的氧化來改善心血管疾病的風險。 「我們的研究顯示食用開心果是一種能心臟健康的飲食,也許可以降低人們罹患 CDV 的風險。」Penny Kris-Etherton 博士這樣說到,他是本研究中主要的研究人員,同時也是營養學特聘教授。 Researchers conducting the cholesterol study included Gebauer; Kris-Etherton; Colin D. Kay, former Penn State post-doctoral associate now at the University of East Anglia; UK; Sheila G. West, associate professor of biobehavioral health, all at Penn State, and P. Alaupovic, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oklahoma City. Researchers conducting the oxidation study included Kay, Gebauer, West and Kris-Etherton. The California Pistachio Commission supported this study. Partial support also came from the NIH-supported GCRC at Penn State. PISTACHIO The pistachio, Pistacia vera, a member of the cashew family, is a small tree originally from Central Asia and the Middle East.[1][2] Pistachio trees can be found in regions of Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, Tunisia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,Turkmenistan, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Italy (Sicily), Uzbekistan, Afghanistan(especially in the provinces of Samangan and Badghis), and the United States, specifically in California. The tree produces a seed. Pistacia vera often is confused with other species in the genus Pistacia that are also known as pistachio. These species can be distinguished from P. vera by their geographic distributions (in the wild), and their seeds which are much smaller and have a shell that is not hard. Pistachios are one of the healthiest nuts available due to their high content of protein, calcium, iron, copper, oleic acids, and antioxidants such as vitamins A & E. Pistachios contain less fat than most other nuts and are inclined to be alkaline-forming which is essential in healing illnesses and disease. Pistachios are incredibly nourishing for the blood as well as the immune system, cardiovascular system, muscular system, and nervous system. They are also an excellent weight loss aid. Just one handful a day can help to curb your appetite and keep you energized throughout the day. Pistachios are known to help lower lipids and lipoproteins in the blood which ultimately helps to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise HDL (good) cholesterol. Raw pistachios are highly beneficial for constipation, dry skin, and for toning the liver and kidneys. Pistachios can help to prevent coronary artery disease, strokes, infections, memory loss, type 2 diabetes, insomnia, neurological disorders, skin cancer, and macular degeneration. For ultimate health benefits, choose raw, unsalted nuts that are natural in color (meaning no red or green dye). Pistachio nut oil is also excellent for revitalizing and nourishing the skin and is excellent for massage therapy and cosmetic use as well. Consider finding more ways to incorporate this healthy nut into your regular diet. Pistachios work great with salads, trail mix, and even fresh pesto! Try this pistachio pesto recipe that has multiple heart healthy and healing ingredients: 1 1/2 cups fresh basil 1/2 cup cilantro 1 cup shelled pistachio nuts 2 -3 cloves garlic 1/4-2/3 cup olive oil or 1/4-2/3 cup pistachio oil 1-2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice Pinch of sea salt Place all ingredients in a food processor or blender, and pulse until smooth. Pistachio Pesto is a delicious dip, spread, or topping for raw veggies, baked potatoes, steamed asparagus, rice pasta or crackers.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 06:57:56 +0000

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