Plan B Last week I was driving somewhere. If you know me at - TopicsExpress


Plan B Last week I was driving somewhere. If you know me at all, you know that I’m a drivaholic. As I was driving, I was enjoying some time with God: praying, worshipping, listening etc. In the midst of that, I heard in my spirit… “Joanne, you’re a plan B person. – Be an A plan person.” I wrote the words down. They’ve been on my mind all week. Then tonight, my husband was talking about a friend of ours and he said about him, “I just can’t believe that he doesn’t have a plan B. What happens if this all goes sideways on him? What happens when his dream doesn’t come to pass? Why doesn’t he have a plan B?” That’s when it hit me. He doesn’t have a plan B because he trusts that plan A is going to happen. For my husband, he doesn’t have the patience or the trust to wait on what his friend believes is a sure thing. In Bryan’s defense, how many times have we heard of “sure things” that blew up in our faces? How many times have people been bilked out of funds on a sure thing? Especially in the movie business, nothing is really real till the money is in the bank… even then, it’s not always a sure thing. But as hard as I try, I can’t find anywhere in the bible (and I’d love to be corrected here if someone can pull up a biblical reference) where God says… “if this doesn’t work out, we’ll do it this way instead.” Actually, He really seems to be single minded about every direction that He gives His followers. Granted, the directions that God gives often seem impossible or down right crazy… like building an arc for two of every species because it’s going to rain (which it had never done to that point in time) so much that the entire earth will be flooded, or crossing the Red Sea, or Sarah giving birth in her old age or Christ rising from the dead. In all of these scenarios, God didn’t change His mind because man couldn’t image such a thing happening, nor did He describe a plan B. God only has a plan A. The problem is US. We think we know God’s plan for our lives and we place our hope in the perceived plan and not in God. We also think that God is going to make our lives easy, because we’re creatures of comfort, but many times in the bible, God leads His people into difficult situations and it’s ‘for their good’. God doesn’t promise us a life of roses, but He does promise that He’ll be with us in EVERYTHING. If you place your complete trust in Christ alone, you can trust plan A. You can trust that even if you don’t hear the plan correctly or follow the plan correctly, the God of the universe will be faithful to bring you on track. He’ll be faithful to bring you back from the place that you wander to the purpose that He created you for. Having a plan B is a little like being a double minded person. James 1:6-8 6But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do. Let me encourage you my sweet brothers and sisters… I’ve lived most of my life with a plan A, B, C, D & E. Learning to live with a simple plan A is a challenge for all of us. Yes, we’re human, and we’re going to miss the mark, but having only a plan A means that we trust God alone for our lives. I plan on pursuing His plan A today, and let God deal with tomorrow… because only He knows the plans He has for me, plans for good, and not for evil. (Jeremiah 29:11paraphrased)
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 10:23:11 +0000

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