Planet Art Network Once the Galactic - TopicsExpress


Planet Art Network Once the Galactic Mayans closed Palenque (even before the pre-recorded departure date of 830 AD), everything had been buried. There were no apparent clues remaining other than the mysterious stories about a man named “Wotan” gathered 1,000 years later in 1692. Aside from this, there was no clue until the opening of the tomb in 1952. Then, 42 years later, in 1994 came the opening of the Red Queen’s tomb. These two tombs with their twin jade masks were each coded to be discovered at precise moments in time. One jade mask was discovered in the tomb of Pacal Votan on November 27, 1952, (Kin 123). The other jade mask was discovered in Temple 13, the tomb of the Red Queen adjacent to the Temple of Inscriptions, June 1, 1994, (Kin 194). These two tombs discovered when they were signalled to the earthy avatars the summons to their mission. Valum Votan and Red Queen are instruments of a particular function—the closing and regeneration of a specific cycle. They are the living representatives of two symbolic forms manifest as two jade masks. These twin forces function impersonally as the biopsychic triggers that open up the noosphere and initiate the next cycle of cosmic evolution on this particular planet. Together, they function as the channel, GM108X. ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ Twin Jade Masks tombs in Palenque, México Yucatan youtube/watch?v=54QoovrQfMo ꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩ !!! ... HIGHER PLANETARY PARADIGM ... !!! Volume IV BOOK OF THE INITIATION TIME AND THE HIDDEN ORDER: CONSCIOUSNESS AND ITS TRANSMISSION from seven volumes COSMIC HISTORY CHRONICLES "We are but the secretaries, the authors are in Eternity" Transmitted by Valum Votan—Jose Arguelles Received by Red Queen—Stephanie South ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ Foudation for The Law of Time/ Cosmic History Chronicles ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ Cosmic History Presents youtube/user/michelvec#g/u The seven volumes of Cosmic History Chronicles published by ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ FOUDATION FOR THE LAW OF TIME ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ 13:20 : FREQUENCY : SHIFT Crossing the Bridge of Time – by Red Queen GalacticSpacebook galacticspacebook/ GALACTIC EARTH GROUP on FB https://facebook/groups/GALACTICEARTH/ .
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 21:00:30 +0000

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