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Planet Art Network ❇❇❇❇❇❇❇❇❇❇❇ galacticSpacebook galacticspacebook/ ❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀ GALACTIC EARTH GROUP on FB https://facebook/groups/GALACTICEARTH/ 𐌏𐌏𐌏𐌏𐌏𐌏𐌏𐌏𐌏𐌏𐌏𐌏𐌏𐌏𐌏𐌏𐌏𐌏𐌏 GALACTIC EARTH - website on FB https://facebook/GlacticEarth?ref=profile ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Cube of Creation: Evolution into the Noosphere ◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎ Timeship Earth 2013 - Book of the Cube (43/52) youtube/watch?v=IIBGSUlcn1Q ☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼ Galactic Research Institute !!! ... THE HIGHER PLANETARY PARADIGM ... !!! ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ seven-volumes Cosmic History Chronicles has published Foundation for the Law of Time We are but the secretaries,the authors are in Eternity Transmitted by Valum Votan—Jose Arguelles Received by Red Queen—Stephanie South the seven volumes of Cosmic History Chronicles, published by FOUDATION FOR THE LAW OF TIME ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦾⦾⦾⦾⦾⦾⦾⦾⦾⦾⦾⦾ Cosmic History Presents youtube/user/michelvec#g/u Red Queen Stephane South represents the ⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ FOUDATION FOR THE LAW OF TIME Co-author of seven volumes COSMIC HISTORY CHRONICLES Red Overtone Moon: Ceremonial Magick ❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊❊ Chapter 13 • Seven Generations to Come The First 20 Years of Timeship Earth 2013 8 seed-1 storm, 2013–2033-34 The Galactic Research Institute is in fulfillment of the Sirian Command of the Galactic Federation. The establishment of a permanent base in the Great Southern Continent signifies that the Sirian Command, the Intelligence Agency of the Galactic Federation, now has an outpost on Earth— V.24.3, the first stage of reclaiming Earth for the Dominion of Time. From this base we shall chart both the conclusion of the cycle—capped by the ejection of the Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge and the completion of the Noosphere II Project—as well as envisioning the stages beyond the 2012 threshold for the reconstruction of the Earth—the Second Creation. In addition to the long term envisioning of the Seven Baktun Dynasties of Timeship Earth 2013, there is the short term dynamic reconstruction cycle, the first 20 years of Timeship Earth 2013, as well as the 53 52-year Sirian Wheels from 2016-4772. The twenty year cycle is in two stages, the 7-year Sirian Surveillance and the 13-year Earth Wizards Noocracy. A. The 7-Year Cycle of the New Solar Human, Cycle of the Sirian Surveillance of the New Earth. Launching of the Telepathic Command and Unification program of Timeship Earth 2013, securing the New Dawn (AD year numbering is maintained signifying Arcturus Dominion). 8 Seed – 11 Storm Seed Bundle—26/7 2013 – 25/7 2017 1. NS.1.26. Yellow Galactic Seed—26/7 2013 – 25/7 2014 Those who have chosen to remain are known as the People of Oma. It is they who have returned across the Bridge of Time to constitute the seed of the new race. The Red Queen is recognized as the leader of the People of Oma. This is the 217th day of the First Baktun—216 days between it and the beginning of the new cycle, Yellow Cosmic Star, Rhythmic 10, 7 Storm year—Beginning of reorganization of Timeship Earth 2013 according to Earth Families. 2. NS.1.27. Red Solar Moon—26/7 2014 – 25/7 2015 Cycle of healing and purification, healing whatever needs to be healed 3. NS.1.28. White Planetary Wizard—26/7 2015 – 25/7 2016 “Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do...” Re-envisioning and manifesting the social order... 4. NS.1.29. Blue Spectral Storm—26/7 2016 – 25/7 2017 Beginning of 53 52-year cycles—Sirian Wheels (2756 years), First Sirian Wheel 2016-2068 Establishing of First Dynasty of Timeship Earth 2013, Baktun One, 2012-2406, (to 144,000 kin) (Long Count = Baktun 14, 2,016,000 Kin = Alpha Gateway, South Pole Dynasty of the Integration of the Star Teachings Generation Cycle of the White Crystal Wizard Note 2016 = 144 x 14, Kin equivalent 196 (28x7), BMU 252 (21 x 12) key frequency of cosmic creation interval, 16,003,008 = 2523, or 288 3 – 2808 2. 5. NS.1.30. Yellow Crystal Seed—26/7 2017 – 25/7 2018 Red Queen fulfills the Crystal prophecy on behalf of the people of Oma. Earth cooperative societies established everywhere. 6. NS.1.31. Red Cosmic Moon 26/7 2018 – 25/7 2019 Thirteen Year cycle of Moon wavespell complete (2006-2019) 13 Moon/28-day standard harmonic timing program becomes second nature. 7. NS.1 32. White Magnetic Wizard 26/7 2019– 25/7 2020 First year of 13-year White Wizard Wavespell—2019-2032 Seventh and final year of Sirian surveillance—Transfer of intelligence operations from Sirian command to Earth Wizards. Five Family Noospheric Council—Departure of Sirian V.24.3 Command team. B. 13-Year Cycle—Earth Wizards establish Noocracy of Timeship Earth 2013 8. NS1.33. Blue Lunar Storm 26/7 2020 – 25/7 2021 Stabilizing and unifying the planetary telepathic network 9. NS1.34. Yellow Electric Seed 26/7 2021 – 25/7 2022 Activating the bio-solar telepathic education programs 10. NS1.35. Red Self-Existing Moon 26/7 2022 – 25/7 2023 Self-sustaining whole person noosphere health programs 11. NS1.36. White Overtone Wizard 26/7 2023 – 25/7 2024 Cosmic History telepathic higher education programs 12. NS1.37. Blue Rhythmic Storm 26/7 2024 – 25/7 2025 Self-generating bioregional economic programs 204 Chapter 13 • Seven Generations to Come 13. NS1.38. Yellow Resonant Seed 26/7 2025 – 25/7 2026 Garden culture community programs 14. NS1.39. Red Galactic Moon 26/7 2026 – 25/7 2027 Planetary-galactic art communes 15. NS1.40. White Solar Wizard 26/7 2027 – 25/7 2028 Advanced biosolar telepathic magnetic field programs 16. NS1.41. Blue Planetary Storm 26/7 2028 – 25/7 2029 Equalization of wealth and abundance programs—kin credit system 17. NS1.42. Yellow Spectral Seed 26/7 2029 – 25/7 2030 Unification of planetary harvest festivals 18. NS1.43. Red Crystal Moon 26/7 2030 – 25/7 2031 First twelve-year Earth councils round table 19. NS1.44. White Cosmic Wizard 26/7 2031 – 25/7 2032 Earth Wizards declaration of Galactic Sovereignty of Timeship Earth 2013 13-year Wizard wavespell complete 20. NS1.45. Blue Magnetic Storm 26/7 2032 – 25/7 2033 Beginning of 13-year Storm wavespell. Psi Bank of Noosphere fully operative. Human race functioning as a single organism C. Sirian Wheels of Time = The 53 52-year cycles of the 2,756-year Galactic Mind Dynasties of Timeship Earth 2013 (2016-4772) 1. 2016-2068 2. 2068-2120 3. 2120-2172 4. 2172-2224 5. 2224-2276 6. 2276-2328 7. 2328-2380 8. 2380-2432 9. 2432-2484 10. 2484-2536 11. 2536-2588 12. 2588-2640 13. 2640-2692 14. 2692-2744 15. 2744-2796 16. 2796-2848 17. 2848-2900 18. 2900-2952 19. 2952-3004 20. 3004-3056 21. 3056-3108 22. 3108-3160 23. 3160-3212 24. 3212-3264 25. 3264-3316 26. 3316-3368 27. 3368-3420 28. 3420-3472 29. 3472-3524 30. 3524-3576 31. 3576-3628 32. 3628-3680 33. 3680-3732 34. 3732-3784 35. 3784-3836 36. 3836-3888 37. 3888-3940 38. 3940-3992 39. 3992-4044 40. 4044-4096 41. 4096-4148 42. 4148-4200 43. 4200-4252 44. 4252-4304 45. 4304-4356 46. 4356-4408 47. 4408-4460 48. 4460-4512 49. 4512-4564 50. 4564-4616 51. 4616-4668 52. 4668-4720 = One Great Sirius Wheel of Time, 2,704 years 53. 4720-4772 = One Great Sirius rebirth cycle = 7 baktuns of the 7 Earth Dynasties of Timeship Earth 2013 =; 20 baktuns since BC 3113; Eighth day of baktun cycle 8, = Return of Pacal Votan, star traveler, for starmind weaving surveillance. .
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 01:56:08 +0000

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