Planning for Refresh and advancement of the national economy An - TopicsExpress


Planning for Refresh and advancement of the national economy An invitation to investment in three field high-Profit Earn Projects . I invite all trade chambers in the world and all economic conference in the world specially in America , Chine , Russia , Japan , Korean , Brazil , India and Arab gulf countries and Union Europe countries - Also I call on the management conference to support the Egyptian economy to view this planning for the advancement of the national economy in Egypt during the five years to establish a high-profit investment projects based on the use of local raw materials for display on the support of the Egyptian economy in the March 15, 2015 conference in the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh . Because the success of any project depends on the availability of good climate and naval ports for import and export, or shipping. And The water is warm and quiet beaches or not by the storms, and these features are available in Egypt as well as its located in the Center of world or the Center of connection between the five continents. And because any agricultural or industrial projects in Egypt or any other country in the world needs a permanent electricity and water source - and the production of electricity also needs to be a permanent source of water First group investment at projects depended on sea water as raw material Planning for integrated Agriculture – Industrial Area by Installations Agriculture Area 600,000 acres + Industrial Area 60,000 acres Depended on Sea water as Raw Material The projects contain three parts as following ; - First part : instillation infrastructure works Second part ; Sea water desalination process to use treated water in agriculture work and separation and extraction hydrogen and lithium and other element from sea water salts . Third part ; Industrial area contain the following projects . Industrial area with wide 3 km and length 45 km contain 80 solar power generation plant every one with capacity 250 megawatt and total capacity = 20,000 megawatt + manufacture hydrogen buses factories + manufacture hydrogen vehicles factories + manufacture fuel cell electrical generation unite with different capacity + manufacture hydrogen train and metro factories + manufacture lithium - ion batteries + steel structure factories specialized in manufacture steel frame for CSP panel for solar power energy + all factories feeds for solar power energy and hydrogen and buses and vehicles factories + hydrogen and Chlorine cylinders manufacture factories + chemical industries depended on sea water salts … etc 2 - Infrastructure roads , paving and cable net for distributed electric power . infrastructure of roads and paving and planting olive trees, high-quality and production on both sides of roads and transmission net pipes and distribution of electricity and light columns and the design of branches treatment plants to agriculture and the overall drinking and design of branches pumping stations from the sea immediately . 3 – Infrastructure the distribution irrigation pump stations as well as a net pipes sprinkler - study the details of an area of about 600,000 acres divided in 6 areas every one with area about 100,000 acres and length of 21 km and width of 21 km - divided this area into areas of similar each piece approximately area 3.048 acres with length 4 km and wide 3.2 km - this area is irrigated with sea water desalination plant with capacity 20,000 m 3 / day working to desalination the salts of 36 g / l , a salinity approximate water of the Red Sea or the Mediterranean or the Persian Gulf to be used in agriculture capacity of 20,000 m 3 / day, which is enough for the cultivation of 3,048 acres - For spray irrigation net feed pipe will be design and planning on the basis of the use of sprinkler irrigation and that any kind of modern irrigation and water-saving or water-saving and will be determined not transgressed the limits of a public in the design or planning - The acre needs 20 m 3 of water every three days when using the method of agriculture spray Based will divide the irrigation system to the group of pipelines feeding diameter 15 cm mounted and supported 26 sprinkler every one irrigated 10 m. in all directions and the amount of water that consumed 1.5 m 3 / h at a pressure of 2.7 bar meaning that the line feeding one line needs pump with capacity 40 m 3 / hour to an area of about 2 acres and therefore will be the distance between each two sprinkler = 18 m meaning that the length of the pipe feeding 468 m or the equivalent area of 2 acres . - the agriculture area with length 500 meters includes buildings and roads - Based on the above, the pumps feeding net pipes sprinkler irrigation will be the capacity of the disposal of 40 m 3 if we consider the efficiency of the pump need capacity = 50 m 3 / h when lifting pressure = 3 bar - If assuming that the pump operates 14 hours a day to be the number of feed lines of sprinkler = 14 line consumes 560 m 3 water and as every 4 irrigation pump feed from a one treated storage tank is consumption of 4 pumps = 2240 m 3 per day and we will design the net pipes the basis that one branches treatment plant feed 8 tanks subset and 4 tanks meaning that the reservoir sub-serve the area or 381 acres and needs a day to the amount of treatment water = 2240 m 3 per day and feed into the treatment plant per 8 tanks subset of any amount of treated water required per day = 20,000 m 3, and as well work 20 h/day the capacity of the treatment plant = 20,000 m 3 / day to irrigate an area1016 acres / day and 3.048 acres/ 3 day. Second part ; Sea water desalination process to use treated water in agriculture work and separation and extraction hydrogen and lithium and other element from sea water salts . Overview for component of Sea water Desalination Plant with Capacity 740,000 m3/day Sea water Desalination Plant with Capacity 740,000 m3/day contains as following 1- 8 Raw sea water feed pump station 2 - 74 Sterilizer and Crystallizer cylindrical tank Estimation of plant capacity Capacity of one Sterilizer and Crystallizer cylindrical tank with diameter 36 m x 2.5 m high =18 x18 x 3.14 x 2.5 m = 2543 m3 / one cycle six hours . Capacity of one Sterilizer and Crystallizer cylindrical tank per day = 4 cycle x 2543 = 10,175 m3/day. Total capacity for plan contain 74 Sterilizer and Crystallizer cylindrical tank = 740,000 m3/ day Total capacity for plan contain 74 Sterilizer and Crystallizer cylindrical tank = 740,000 m3/ day . Time Operation cycle = 6 hours include sum of 1.5 h for charge cylindrical tank + treated time about 0.5 hours = time of Sedimentation time about 2 .5 hours + Discharge cylindrical tank about 1.5 hours = 6 hours The filtrations porous rate =10,175 / 2500 = 4 m3/ day = 165 L/m2 / hour . Sterilizer and Crystallizer tanks design We shall use three element for treatment on Sterilizer and Crystallizer tanks as following ; – 1- Compress air as disinfection and oxidation Associate 2- Mechanical mixing as mechanical force for Crystallization Associate 3 -Ultraviolet light for oxidation and Crystallization associate and Sterilizer . 3 - 74 Slow Sand Filter area with filtration media with porous rate 0.165 m3 /m2/ h Estimation of slow sand filter filtrations necessary surface media needed We shall choose filtrations battery with surface area = 100 m2 and we shall choose slow sand filter contain 24 battery with total filtration surface area = 24 x 103 m3 = 2490 m2 for every one Sterilizer and Crystallizer cylindrical tank with capacity 10,175 m3 / day 24 hours or 4 operation cycle every one with time = 6 hours . Every battery filling by 100 m3 = 100 m2 x 1 m high over filtration media every cycle this meaning the operation pressure over filtration media = 2 bar . Slow Sand Filter Specification The history of water treatment dates back to approximately the thirteenth century B.C. in Egypt and modern filter specification become as the following ; - . Slow sand filter consists of 24 battery filtration area each battery 100 m2 in length 12.5 m and wide 8.5 meters and a total area of 2400 m 2 for the amount of water given to candidates of 10,000 m3 / day at a porous rate of 165 L / m 2 / h. 2. filtration media will be manufactured and tested outside as 3 layer every one contain 247 sand brick with form dimension 60 cm x 60 cm with thickness about 25cm for every layer and the installation site in the form of block prefabricated for every layer and not allows the passage of dissolved salts in the water and central component of the filtration media of the gravel diameter granules 2: 3 cm and a height of about 25 cm and a mixture sand granules diameter about 1: 1.5 mm is installing the pot lid and squeeze its contents with the use of a mechanic vibrator to integrate the center components filtration to give a porous rate of the nomination of 165 liters / m2 / h and tested so as not to allow for the passage of the candidate sea salts diameter up to 3 micron and need each filtration battery need about 750 Block for every layer prefabricated be installed higher basin of collection filtered water and fill the intervals between them with an adhesive suitable for assembly. SPENT FILTER BACKWASH WATER Filter backwashing is an integral part of treatment plant operation. Filters are typically cleaned by flushing them with mixed compress air and water with pressure = 2 : 3 bar in the reverse direction to normal flow. The water flow must have sufficient force to separate particles from the filter media, so a greater than normal flow is used. The resulting water, which carries particles flushed from the filters including microbes (such as Cryptosporidium), raw water particles, and particles from the coagulation process, is called waste or spent filter backwash water. The backwash period generally lasts for 15 minutes at a rate of approximately 100 m3 + 100 m3 air at pressure 3 bar , and produces a significant volume of spent filter backwash that meaning we need washing water pump with capacity 400 m3 /h and head = 30 m also we need screw air compressor with capacity 400m3 at pressure 3 bar to produce 100 m3 air + 100 m3 water through washing time 15 minute . Of all the processes that produce residual streams, filter backwash typically produces the largest volume of water and at the highest rate. - Frequency and Quantity Filter runs generally last between 24 and 72 hours in length, but vary from plant to Plant and we shall choose a porous rate 165 L /m2 /h to achieve passing 1 m3 / 6 h and we take it as measure for spent filtration media and necessary need to BACKWASH if raise of water over filtration media after 6 hours not reduce 50 cm . In this time we well start the steps for backwashing filter media as the following :- 1- we close input valve of the filter in second cycle and wait some times about four hour to allow for passing the water over filtration media and closed filtration water output valve . 2- we open the backwashing water output valve . 3- we well start up washing water pump and air compressor to produce and charging mixed 100 m3 water and 100 m3 compress air at pressure 3 bar for 15 minutes . 4 - after washing filter media we shall start on discharge the water storage under filtration media through discharge pipe connected to washing water storage tank and discharge the air through relive valve erected on discharge pipe . 5 – after the complete washing filtration media which need about six hours or time of cycle we repeated the battery to work in a new cycle 4- Eextracted elemental hydrogen and chlorine and liquefies Use removed from the previous operation or saline sea salts Center in lithium production and is the main ingredient in the fuel cell industry and lithium and batteries that are used to generate electricity using hydrogen fuel, which is now used a substitute for oil in six US states - and is in addition to use in 12 another state by 2017. - And is extracted elemental hydrogen and chlorine and liquefies large quantities of sodium chloride salts solution - for domestic use as fuel for cars and buses and the subway and hydrogen instead of natural gas and diesel fuel. Salts separated will be in the form of high brine concentration represents 10% of the nutrient water station which is about a total of 600,000 m3 / day containing 320 kg / m3 water and a total 192,000 tons of salt per day is the use of modern technology to be separated to produce 1,000 tons of lithium / day 1,000 tons / Day potassium +1000 tons / day sodium hydroxide +10,000 tons / day hydrochloric acid +10,000 tons / day acetic acid 10,000 + tons / day of hydrogen + 70,000 tons chlorine - in the different images dissolved in water or in cylinders Packer + any other salts be extracted economically . 5 - Calculation irrigation area can be irrigated by sea water desalination plant with capacity = 732,000 m3/day produce = 661,000 m3/day treated water . Firstly we assumed amount of treated water needed for sprinkler irrigate one acres = 20 m3 / every three days . Total area can be irrigated every day =661,000 m3 / 20 m3 = 33,300 acres /day . Total area can be irrigated every irrigation cycle three day 33,333 x 3 = 100,000 acres Third part - Industrials Area 60,000 acres Two Industrial area every one with wide 3 km and length 45 km contain 40 solar power generation plant every one with capacity 250 megawatt and total capacity = 10,000 megawatt + manufacture hydrogen buses factories + manufacture hydrogen vehicles factories + manufacture fuel cell electrical generation unite with different capacity + manufacture hydrogen train and metro factories + manufacture lithium - ion batteries + steel structure factories specialized in manufacture steel frame panel for solar power energy + all factories feeds for solar power energy and hydrogen and buses and vehicles factories + hydrogen and Chlorine cylinders manufacture factories + chemical industries depended on sea water salts … etc 4 - Instillation 80 solar power plants every one with capacity 250 mw with total power 20,000 mw in every area to operate all projects when field of production at latitude at 30 degree north - and we can use hydrogen fuel cell generator power plant when the site of production at cooled and hot atmospheric Overview for Solar Power Plant with Capacity 250 mw design We design solar power plant with capacity 250 mw contain two plants every one contain 100 raw every row contain 100 CSP Panels – Egyptian Modules Panels - every panel contain 42 PV modules . We shall choose modules Type - Mono-crystalline Silicon Solar modules with Maximum power (Wp) 285wp and Size of module =1650 x 992 x 50 mm ( 156x156mm cell) Calculation of Capacity of Solar Power Plant 250 mw Notes ; We shall depended on the simulation models for basic calculation of design To explain the operation system for solar power plant with active power capacity 250 mw we will divided the day to three period time as following ; - First Stage of produced and storage energy direct from sun as sunlight At Egypt time from clock 6 ; clock 19 as summer or clock 7 ; clock 17 during winter as months December , January and February The PV Panels work with complete efficiency and products = 160.8 mw = 160,800 kw/h = 160,800 x 13 hour = 2,090,400 kwh / day as the following ;- 1- PV panel capacity = 250 W x 42 = 10500 W 2- PV raw capacity =10,500 x 100 =105,000 w 3- PV capacity of plant =105,000 x 100 raw =105,000,000 w = 105 MW 4- If we consider the efficiency for invert DC to AC 380 V = 80 % 5- The active PV electric power generation from plant = 105 MW X 0.8 = 80.4 The active PV electric power generation from plant = 80.4 MW Calculate Electric Generation from CSP Unites To Estimate for CSP Panels Capacity we Consider the solar thermal radiation effect = 800 w/m2 1- CPS Panels surface area = 7.4 m x 10.25 = 75.85 m2 2- CPS Panels capacity = 75.85 x 800 w/m2 = 60,680 w 3- If consider the reflection efficiency for panels and pv modules = 80 % 4- The active thermal effect for panels =60,680 w x 80 % = 48,544 w 5- The active thermal effect for raw = 48,544 w x 100 = 4,854,400 w 6- The active thermal effect for plant =4,854,400 w x 100 raw =485,44 mw 7- If consider the thermal efficiency for Rankin cycle = 40 % 8- The active thermal power generation from plant = The active thermal effect for plant x 40% = 485,44 mw x 40% = 194.176 mw The Active CSP Electric Power Generation from unit 1 =194.176 mw The Active PV Electric Power Generation from unite 1 = 80.4 MW The CSP Solar Power plant with Capacity 388 mw Contain 2 unit every one with CSP Capacity 194.176 mw divided 2 unites to work at Sunlight with Total CSP Capacity = 2 x 194.176 = 388 mw The PV Panels work with complete efficiency and products = 160.8 mw = 160,800 kw/h = 160,800 x 13 hour = 2,090,400 kwh / day Complete One CSP thermal effect for plant = 4,854,400 w x 100 raw =485,44 mw will be Storage Energy as sunlight in Concrete Storage thermal Energy to use it at night when the sun go with capacity = 485,44 mw = 48,544,000 kw/h The total amount of thermal energy products from 1 unite with capacity 250 mw every day about eight clock = 8 x 48,544,000 = 3,106,816,000 kwh/day these amount of energy 3,106,816,000 kwh/day will be divided to 4 section every one = to feed three unite of concrete storage unite + one to feed three line from concrete heat exchanger every one = 776,704,000 kwh Second stage at night when sun go And all power energy generation resource at night from storage energy as following ; - We choose four Steam turbine (3+1) low pressure one stage and one case complete with all accessories and controlled system for parabolic trough solar field capable of generating about 110 MW(th) of solar heat at a temperature of 400° C, 100 bar every one 77 MW(e) single casing to work through sunlight with rate 2 worked by direct steam from unite No.1 and the third working by reheat steam coming from re-heater The amount of Energy Storage as sunlight in Concrete Storage Energy to use it at night =8 x 48,544,000 = 3,106,816,000 kwh/day . The time of storage energy start from time clock 9 to clock 19 hour at season of summer = 10 hours/day when temperature more than 25 degree centigrade and 9 hours at winter season when temperature reduce 20 degree centigrade . The amount of CSP storage energy per day = 8 x 48,544,000 = 3,106,816,000 kwh/day . This amount of energy storage at latent heat in concrete storage unites at degree 500C To use this latent heat at nigh we shall divided it for two period time . 1- from clock time 18 to clock 3 = with time length = 9 hours when the temperature of concrete storage arrive to temperature 450°C. 2- from clock time 3 ; 10 clock at second day with time length = 7 hours when the concrete storage arrive to temperature 350°C We choose steam turbine as following : - 1- Supply and erected four Steam turbine (3+1) low pressure one stage and one case complete with all accessories and controlee system for parabolic trough solar field capable of generating about 110 MW(th) of solar heat at a temperature of 400° C, 100 bar every one 77 MW(e) single casing to work through sunlight 2- Supply and erected four Steam turbine (3+1) low pressure one stage and one case complete with all accessories and control system for parabolic trough solar field capable of generating about 60 mw to work at night up to 60 MW or equalizer it special to use in solar power plant The turbine one turbine, for generator drive. It has a compact and flexible design with a high degree of standardization. Used for power generation applications. Technical data n Power output up to 60 MW n Inlet pressure 100 bar n Inlet temperature 400°C n Rotational speed up to 12,000 rpm n Controlled extraction up to 45bar/655psi and up to 400°C n Bleed up to 60bar n Exhaust pressure (back pressure) up to 16bar n Exhaust pressure (condensing) up to 0.3bar n Exhaust area 0.28–1.6m2/3.0–17.2sq.ft. To generate energy at night Steam Turbine products = 3 x 60 mw =180 mw We add 70 mw from batteries storage energy Total energy generation at night = 180 mw + 70 mw = 250 mw The Total PV Panels energy production every day = 2,090,400 kwh / day Notes If we Consider the efficiency batteries Efficiency = 85 % The actual amount of PV energy = 1,947,400 kw x 0.85 = 1,655,290 kwh =1,655.290 mw to use at night . If we Consider the efficiency Concert Storage Energy Efficiency = 85 % Also the actual amount of CSP power energy generation at night = 8 x 48,544,000 = 3,106,816,000 kwh /day x 0.85 = 2,640,793,600 kwh/day Secondly groups investment projects depends on the sewage water as a raw material include . 1 - Sewage treatment to products sterilize and separate fecal sludge and then use the treated water in the desert cultivation back to the governments provinces 2 - drying fecal sludge resulting from the treatment process which estimated at about 30 Kg / m 3 in special furnaces for the production of high-quality organic fertilizer is sold in the world market at a price of 200 $ / ton. 3 –Separation component of exhaust gases of sludge dryer resulting by using the same technology and process which used in petroleum refinery to production of hydrogen , methanol and ethanol, which is used as a fuel and the production of chemical elements, such as nickel and boron and sulfur compounds such as sulfuric acid and ammonia, and other compounds . - hydrogen fuel can use for the production of electricity through power generators operate by hydrogen fuel cell to produce quantities up to 20,000 kw/h is enough to run the station and neighboring regions . Thirdly groups investment projects to generate solar power energy. by using dual production system combines PV modules + CSP system . Registered patented by my name on Egyptian patent office in dated 06.13.2012 and No. 1084/2012 and this system produces electricity at a cost of up to about 0.06 ; 0.07 $/ KW and can produce electricity with this system to provide electricity for industrial zones such as the October 6 or Sadat city or cement factories or iron which high consumption energy . - can also produce solar energy with sharing and cooperation with European companies and investor for instillation large solar power plant for the purpose of export energy to Europe countries, which is sold to the consumer where the price of kw/h an average 15; 20 cents Euro . I Invited all investments in solar energy at latitude 30 degree north of the equator which passing through south Morocco , Tunes, Algeria , Libya , Egypt , North Saudi Arab – South Iraq to produced amount of energy enough to Europeans Union Countries and north African countries . Also latitude 30 degree passing through South of USA witch passing through South state as Texas state , Louisiana state Mississippi states , Alabama states and Florida states to produced amount of hydrogen enough to middle and north states . Notice 1- I am offering for any Conference management Planning for the establishment of an integrated - agro-industrial areas dependent on renewable sources of energy as a source of energy - such as solar power plants in areas at latitude 30 north - or generate electricity with hydrogen in cold and hot regions stations are ready to invest - as show on the conference management that I function coordination among implementing this technology companies and the investment companies or investors willing to invest in these projects - Attend the conference only for offering these projects with a fee paid in advance when the sign contract amount of 300,000 $ and accommodation expenses other than moving and travel expenses and visa costs instead of the establishment and transfer of furnishings - The wage coordination after conference - with companies producing technologies that will be contracted and investors will be contracted in exchange for a percentage of the value of construction costs of each individual project are as follows - I get paid a wage in exchange for planning for the project at a rate of 1% of the total cost of each project - 1% versus writing technical specifications for each project and compile quotations from executing companies and discuss these presentations and write a report on quotations and specifications provided by the executing companies to offer to investors to choose what suits him of quotations and technical specifications - 1% compared to oversee the implementation - 1% against the supervision of the operating tests and training programs for workers operating for a year of primary receipt. 2- I prepared this projects studying by cooperation with U.S. Department of Energy These studies have been prepared by me – I keep a copy of the details for implementation if requesting it can contact me at the following address Cairo – Egypt Engineer / Reda Mohamed Ahmed Wahb Mobile Phone : 00201223178476 reda_wahb@yahoo
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 13:25:04 +0000

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