Plans for Nica! Are you ready, NOW, to get the heck out of town - TopicsExpress


Plans for Nica! Are you ready, NOW, to get the heck out of town over Thanksgiving? Want direction and guidance for the rest of your life? The BEST thing I learned from my PAST illnesses and other life pains, was that there is SO much life to live while I can. THAT, is why I keep going. Ill never get to see everything, but I can keep traveling and exploring and doing. COME WITH ME! If you’re pumped and ready to take your life to new levels, if you’re feeling that fire in your belly to make a positive change in your life, if you want to shift your perspective, re-focus and ultimately live a life of happiness, if you’re ready to let go, shed the old and bring in the new and to Live Life Light then I want you to imagine what a full week in Nicaragua will do for you to positively transform your life and propel you forward towards living the life you imagine for yourself. Its November with a new year just around the corner - how to you want 2014 to go out and how to you want to being 2015 in?!!!! This week will set you up for your best year yet! Daily yoga to restore your body, daily meditation to restore your soul and THREE DAYS of powerful personal-growth workshops designed to restore your mind and help you identify your own purpose and develop a plan to act on it. Top it all up with surfing led by an instructor, a sunset boat cruise, swimming, zip-lining, Sunset Yoga, beach workouts, and involvement in the SEVA project where we will be taking it off the mat and into the world with some selfless service in the local community. Guiding your adventure in growth and learning is world class coach Penny Light. Penny is a Certified Life Coach, Certified Mindful Eating Practitioner SurfSet Fitness Instructor, Certified Happy@Work Practitioner, Certified Hypnolinguistics Practitioner, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Spin Teacher.... and if thats not enough she is first and truly an Adventure Expert. Penny has traveled most of the world including living in a tent in the middle of the African bush for a year documenting a pride of lions... yup, thats true. Penny is also an affiliate of: Canadian Positive Psychology Association The Centre for Mindful Eating The Canadian Alliance of life skills coaches Life Coach Federation For more about Penny visit - Leading your daily yoga is Lisa Flemming. Lisa Fleming is a Registered Yoga Teacher certified at the 300-hour level with the Yoga Alliance, and a Reiki Master. She owns and directs two yoga studios in Ohio, OneTree Yoga and Awaken Yoga . She knows first hand that yoga and Reiki are tools for healing. Lisa was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythmetosis at the age of 11, and feels she has finally found the best treatment for her “dis-ease” through yoga. Her Lupus went into remission shortly after she began her practice and she has never been healthier! Lisa teaches her classes from her heart, drawing energy from her students and her highest Self to create a peaceful, powerful sanctuary for her students to find peace and healing within themselves. She feels that sharing what she has learned with others is not only her passion, but also her responsibility in this lifetime. The exceptionally low price includes: Accommodations (including use of grounds, pool, etc) Daily breakfast Three lunches on the workshop days 2 dinners - a welcome dinner and farewell dinner 3 days of workshops Daily yoga Daily meditation A day at the beach with surf instruction, A sunset boat cruise Zip lining adventure Participation in the SEVA project. WHAT SHOULD YOU EXPECT FROM THIS RETREAT ... An incredibly restorative week in a paradise setting. Clarity about who you are, what you want to do, and how you can do it! Enhanced confidence in your ability to generate an extraordinary life. An established daily meditation practice, with solid knowledge and skills upon which to build. Daily yoga, strengthening and lengthening your body while calming your mind. Here is a snapshot of your week in paradise ... SUNDAY : Arrive - welcome and orientation - Watch the Sunset - Group welcome Dinner MONDAY : Morning meditation and yoga - breakfast/coffee - wide open day to unwind and enjoy TUESDAY : Morning meditation and yoga - breakfast/coffee - Morning workshop (10-Noon) - lunch - Afternoon workshop (1-3pm) WEDNESDAY : Morning meditation and yoga - breakfast/coffee - Morning workshop (10-Noon) - lunch - Afternoon workshop (1-3pm) THURSDAY : Morning meditation and yoga - breakfast/coffee - Morning workshop (10-Noon) - lunch - Afternoon workshop (1-3pm) - Sunset Boat Cruise FRIDAY : Morning meditation and yoga - breakfast/coffee - SURFING! SATURDAY : Morning meditation and yoga - breakfast/coffee - ZIP-LINING - Group Farewell Dinner SUNDAY : Morning meditation and yoga - breakfast/coffee - hugs and laughs - departure. Of course, we have left lots of free time for you to mix and mingle, run on the beach or trails, take part in workouts, read, play in the ocean, nap, and whatever else you desire! Here is what some of the most amazing people had to say said about my Feb 2014 SOLD OUT Costa Rica Renew Retreat - “This was a life Changing Experience for me, I will forever be grateful to everyone I met during our week together. Although I’d never tried yoga or meditation Costa Rica was an amazing place to begin my journey to Live Life Light.” K.G. “We had a bunch of amazing experiences in Costa Rica but one of the most awesome adventures was zip-lining upside down through the rainforest!” G.S. “Penny, I met you at a time in my life that I didnt even recognize who I was anymore. Moments of that time are thankfully now a complete cloudy blur. EXCEPT, the time I spent with you. You really were the main catalyst that helped me turn the dreadful corner. Although, I am not great at writing things down, I have a memory like an elephant and your voice and words are a constant in my head. I replay things over and over. I lack the proper words that would adequately explain how thankful I am for you, your energy, your love and mostly your raw honesty. You are a very special woman and I love that our paths crossed. Please know, that you hold a extra special part in my heart.” M.M. Room Type Multiple occupancy room $1300 Early bird $1250 Double Occupancy Room $1400 Early Bird $1350 Single Occupancy$1600 Early Bird $1550 Private Room (for two) $2300 Early Bird $2250 EARLY BIRD BOOK BEFORE Sept 1st 2014 * Flights are not included ** Airport transfers are not included but will help arrange PS maybe you cant make it but you know someone who might benefit from an amazing restorative week? If so please share the love! Much gratitude! Nica Yoga Nicaragua San Juan del Sur Here is a link to pictures from the Feb retreat in Costa Rica! https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.256112884567188.1073741839.136450883200056&type=3
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 16:21:15 +0000

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