Planting Pumpkin Seeds (By Sharon Glasgow) Key Verse: John - TopicsExpress


Planting Pumpkin Seeds (By Sharon Glasgow) Key Verse: John 4:35-36, Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. (NKJV) Last years gigantic state fair pumpkin yielded hundreds of seeds. I was so excited, I thought about planting those seeds all winter. When the weather conditions were just right, I sowed them in the field directly behind my house. I dont have a water hose that reaches that far and it didnt rain for many days. So, I worried. Finally, pumpkin leaves started appearing and so did the groundhog family. Every morning like clockwork I would sit down to eat breakfast, and there popping out of the ground in my pumpkin field were the groundhogs. I sent Sparky, our Border Collie, out the door with one command, Go get um boy! He was highly entertained by the chase, but his speed never scared them away. Between the groundhog familys addiction for pumpkin blossoms, Sparkys high-speed chase through the patch, and my neighbor who mowed a portion of the young plants down by accident, the pumpkin harvest produced a whopping three pumpkins. Im not complaining - I mean three years ago I planted a bunch of seeds only to produce nothing! Then, the next year my one pumpkin was a surprise harvest from the previous years planting. So, Im thrilled to have three pumpkins this year. Being a farmer is work, but its worth it all to see the fruit of your labor. Next year Im going to plant my pumpkin field again. This time Im going to set traps for those unwanted critters and post a pumpkin patch sign in full view for my zealous mowing neighbor. Im already getting excited about next years pumpkin patch! Planting seeds can be disappointing, after you work, wait expectantly and watch as your efforts seem to disappear. The same holds true when we work at sharing Jesus with people, but Jesus encourages us in Luke 15: 7: I say to you that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance. Planting means risk taking. You might sow a hundred seeds and only yield a few fruit bearing plants. Sow those seeds anyway! Talk to people in elevators, in grocery store lines, to your neighbors, to annoying sales clerks, and whoever comes in your path. Take every opportunity to plant seeds; God honors those who risk getting disappointed for the sake of one person being brought to Him. The more He sees you are willing to take risks for Him, the bigger assignments Hell put in your path. Im going outside now to enjoy my pumpkins. I can only imagine how God enjoys watching His fruit grow! My Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, help me to utilize every soul encounter for Your glory. Help me to see each person through Your eyes and with Your compassion. Give me the boldness that I need to say the things You want me to say and do. Thank You for using me. It is an honor to be Your servant. In Jesus Name, Amen. Application Steps: 1. Prepare your heart for service by reading the Word and spending time with God so that you will be in tune to His heart for lost souls. 2. Take risks in your encounters with people. 3. Let your light shine, so that others will want to hear the Good News.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 23:09:58 +0000

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