Plausible deniability. Thats what some are calling our presidents - TopicsExpress


Plausible deniability. Thats what some are calling our presidents statements. He said he was not aware of the spying, eavesdropping and tapping of the phones of leaders of countries who are our staunchest allies. He said if we liked our health insurance policies we would be able to not only keep them, but the price for them would go down. His administration told us over and over that the attack on the embassy in Benghazi that killed four Americans was the result of a protest run amuck. The president said he was not aware that conservative groups seeking non profit status before the 2012 election were being targeted by the IRS and in some cases the FBI. The president said, after Edward Snowden leaked confidential information regarding the collection of ordinary Americans texts and cell phone records, he was not aware that this was being done. In the Fast and Furious case, where the Justice Department was selling guns to Mexican drug cartels and that ultimately was used to murder an American Border Patrol agent, that, quote, I certainly was not aware.... But the facts speak for themselves. The administration, and the president, knew about the spying on our allied leaders as well as the data collection on ordinary American citizens. The administration, and the president, knew as early as 2010 that millions of Americans would lose their health insurance and be forced to buy costlier plans. The administration, and the president knew that the attack on the embassy in Benghazi was a terrorist attack, but tried to sweep it under the rug because of the upcoming election. The administration, and the president, knew about the systematic targeting of Tea Party and other conservative groups prior to the 2012 election. Libtards, wake the hell up! Even the complicit mainstream media is now questioning the level of deception this president and his cohorts are perpetrating on we Americans. Are you so blinded by your ideology that you refuse to admit that this president has been anything but truthful to the American people? How could anyone, on either side of the aisle, support a president and an administration that has been proven over and over again that they are liars? That believe, with the help of the complicit lame stream media that the American people are stupid and will believe anything they say. So, you say, you believe that the president did not know that millions would lose their health insurance under the so called Affordable Healthcare Act. You believe that the president was not aware of the gun walking debacle that resulted in the death of a Border Patrol Agent. And yes, you believe the president when he says he again was not aware of the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS. OK, so youre that stupid. But let me ask you this: Isnt it the presidents job to be aware of these things? If Obama is so disconnected that he does not know important facts is he not then derelict in his duties as president? IT IS HIS JOB TO KNOW! Never in our history have our allies been so distrustful of our country. Never in our history have Americans been forced to buy something or be targeted and penalized by a government agency. Never in our history has there been such a great divide between Democrats and Republicans-whre nothing is getting done. Never in our history have we been 17 trillion dollars in debt. Never in our history have we been blatantly lied to, as in the Benghazi attack, by our presidents spokesperson-a high ranking official. Libtards, when are you going to wake up to the fact that you elected the biggest con artist ever in our history. Are you still so blinded by ideology that refuse to believe the truth? And I see many of you already hopping on the Hilary for president bandwagon. You must be out of your mind! Comments are welcome-except from the free shit crowd. I know you would do or say anything, and put up with anything, in order to remain on the government dole. Your comments are not welcome.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:38:26 +0000

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