Players = game:GetService("Players") Me = - TopicsExpress


Players = game:GetService("Players") Me = Players.LocalPlayer Char = Me.Character necko =, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) ShootColors = {"Bright yellow", "New Yeller", "Bright orange", "Neon orange", "Really red", "Bright red"} PlaceId = game.PlaceId Selected = false Attacking = false Accuracy = 5 Debounce = true Hurt = false Damage = {15,42} ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider") V3 = C3 = BN = CN = CA = CFrame.Angles MR = math.rad MRA = math.random MP = math.pi MH = math.huge UD = function RC(Pos, Dir, Max, Ignore) return workspace:FindPartOnRay(, Dir.unit * (Max or 999)), Ignore) end function RayC(Start, En, MaxDist, Ignore) return RC(Start, (En - Start), MaxDist, Ignore) end function ComputePos(pos1, pos2) return CN(pos1, V3(pos2.x, pos1.y, pos2.z)) end function DetectSurface(pos, part) local surface = nil local pospos = part.CFrame local pos2 = pospos:pointToObjectSpace(pos) local siz = part.Size local shaep = part.Shape if shaep == Enum.PartType.Ball or shaep == Enum.PartType.Cylinder then surface = {"Anything", CN(pospos.p, pos)*CN(0, 0, -(pospos.p - pos).magnitude)*CA(MR(-90), 0, 0)} else if pos2.Y > ((siz.Y/2)-0.04) then surface = {"Top", CA(0, 0, 0)} elseif pos2.Y < -((siz.Y/2)-0.04) then surface = {"Bottom", CA(-MP, 0, 0)} elseif pos2.X > ((siz.X/2)-0.04) then surface = {"Right", CA(0, 0, MR(-90))} elseif pos2.X < -((siz.X/2)-0.04) then surface = {"Left", CA(0, 0, MR(90))} elseif pos2.Z > ((siz.Z/2)-0.04) then surface = {"Back", CA(MR(90), 0, 0)} elseif pos2.Z < -((siz.Z/2)-0.04) then surface = {"Front", CA(MR(-90), 0, 0)} end end return surface end function Compute(pos1, pos2) local pos3 =, pos1.y, pos2.z) return CN(pos1, pos3) end function waitChild(n, p) local c = p:findFirstChild(n) if c then return c end while true do c = p.ChildAdded:wait() if c.Name == n then return c end end end function Notime(func) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() func() end)) end Torso = waitChild("Torso", Char) Head = waitChild("Head", Char) Rarm = waitChild("Right Arm", Char) Larm = waitChild("Left Arm", Char) Rleg = waitChild("Right Leg", Char) Lleg = waitChild("Left Leg", Char) Neck = waitChild("Neck", Torso) Hum = waitChild("Humanoid", Char) RSH = waitChild("Right Shoulder", Torso) LSH = waitChild("Left Shoulder", Torso) RH = waitChild("Right Hip", Torso) LH = waitChild("Left Hip", Torso) RSH.Part0 = Torso LSH.Part0 = Torso RH.Part0 = Torso LH.Part0 = Torso Add = { Mesh = function(P, ID, Scale, Tex) local m ="SpecialMesh") m.MeshType = "FileMesh" m.MeshId = ID or "" m.Scale = Scale or V3(1, 1, 1) m.TextureId = Tex or "" m.Parent = P return m end, Sphere = function(P, Scale) local m ="SpecialMesh") m.MeshType = "Sphere" m.Scale = Scale or V3(1, 1, 1) m.Parent = P return m end } Sounds = { Shoot = {Id = "roblox/asset/?id=2697431", Pitch = 0.3, Volume = 0.5}, Boom = {Id = "roblox/asset/?id=2692806", Pitch = 0.55, Volume = 0.4}, Slash = {Id = "rbxasset://sounds//swordslash.wav", Pitch = 0.5, Volume = 0.5}, Hit = {Id = "roblox/asset/?id=2801263", Pitch = 0.85, Volume = 0.35}, Reload = {Id = "rbxasset://sounds\metal.ogg", Pitch = 1, Volume = 0.45}, } for _,v in pairs(Sounds) do ContentProvider:Preload(v.Id) end function PlaySound(Sound, bool) local s ="Sound") s.Looped = false s.Volume = Sound.Volume s.SoundId = Sound.Id if bool then s.Pitch = MRA((Sound.Pitch*0.75)*1000, (Sound.Pitch*1.15)*1000)/1000 else s.Pitch = Sound.Pitch end s.PlayOnRemove = true s.Parent = Torso Notime(function() wait() s.Parent = nil end) end function GetParts(pos, dist) local parts = {} local function o(p) for _,v in pairs(p:children()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then if (pos - v.Position).magnitude 0 then return v end end end end function GetGroup(Pos, Distance, Hit) local tab = {} for _,v in pairs(workspace:children()) do local h = GetHum(v) local t = v:findFirstChild("Torso") if h and t and v ~= Hit.Parent then if (t.Position - Pos).magnitude =5 then Hu.PlatformStand = true wait(0.15) hit.Velocity = (CN(Torso.CFrame * CN(0, 0.5, 0).p, hit.Position).lookVector * 45) hit.RotVelocity = V3(MRA(-10, 10), MRA(-10, 10), MRA(-10, 10)) wait(0.3) Hu.PlatformStand = false end end end end Main.Touched:connect(Kill) Weapon.Parent = Model Model.Parent = Char if script.Parent.className ~= "HopperBin" then h ="HopperBin", Me.Backpack) h.Name = "Hand Cannon" script.Parent = h end bin = script.Parent function Attach(t) RSH.Part0 = t LSH.Part0 = t RH.Part0 = t LH.Part0 = t RABW.Part0 = t LABW.Part0 = t LLBW.Part0 = t RLBW.Part0 = t if t == Torso then FTorso.Transparency = 1 else Torso.Transparency = 1 end t.Transparency = 0 end function SelectAnim() RAW.Part1 = Rarm for i = 0.25, 1, 0.25 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(-10*i), 0, MR(-5*i)) wait() end for i = 0.1, 1, 0.1 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(-10-90*i), 0, MR(-5-30*i)) wait() end for i = 0.5, 1, 0.5 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(-100-5*i), 0, MR(-35)) wait() end HW.Part1 = Handle HW.C0 = CA(MR(50), 0, MR(-37)) TW.Part1 = nil Attach(FTorso) LAW.Part1 = Larm for i = 0.25, 1, 0.25 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(-105+10*i), 0, MR(-35+5*i)) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(15*i), 0, MR(5*i)) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-5*i), 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(50-5*i), 0, MR(-37)) wait() end for i = 0.06, 1, 0.06 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(-95+95*i), MR(35*i), MR(-30+50*i)) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(15+25*i), 0, MR(5+15*i)) * CN(0, -0.4*i, 0) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-5-30*i), 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(45), 0, MR(-37+15*i)) wait() end Hum.WalkSpeed = 10 for i = 0.1, 1, 0.1 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(15*i), MR(35+10*i), MR(20+8*i)) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(40+7*i), 0, MR(20+6*i)) * CN(0, -0.4-0.2*i, 0) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-35-10*i), 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(45-11*i), 0, MR(-22+15*i)) wait() end for i = 0.25, 1, 0.25 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(15+5*i), MR(45+5*i), MR(28+2*i)) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(47+3*i), 0, MR(26+4*i)) * CN(0, -0.6, 0) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-45-5*i), 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(34-4*i), 0, MR(-7+7*i)) wait() end end function DeselAnim() for i = 0.25, 1, 0.25 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(20-5*i), MR(50-5*i), MR(30-5*i)) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(50-5*i), 0, MR(30-5*i)) * CN(0, -0.6+0.1*i, 0) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-50+5*i), 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(30+5*i), 0, MR(-10*i)) wait() end for i = 0.15, 1, 0.15 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(15-30*i), MR(45-10*i), MR(25-5*i)) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(45-20*i), 0, MR(25-15*i)) * CN(0, -0.5+0.2*i, 0) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-45+10*i), 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(35+10*i), 0, MR(-10-15*i)) wait() end for i = 0.12, 1, 0.12 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(-15-70*i), MR(35-30*i), MR(20-30*i)) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(25-25*i), 0, MR(10-10*i)) * CN(0, -0.3+0.3*i, 0) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-35+20*i), 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(45+5*i), 0, MR(-25-12*i)) wait() end LAW.Part1 = nil HW.C0 = CA(MR(50), 0, MR(-37)) for i = 0.25, 1, 0.25 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(-85-20*i), MR(5-5*i), MR(-10-25*i)) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-15+15*i), 0) wait() end Attach(Torso) HW.Part1 = nil TW.Part1 = Handle Hum.WalkSpeed = 16 for i = 0.15, 1, 0.15 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(-105+95*i), 0, MR(-35+30*i)) wait() end for i = 0.33, 1, 0.33 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(-10+10*i), 0, MR(-5+5*i)) wait() end RAW.Part1 = nil end --Norms: --RAW.C0 = CA(MR(20), MR(50), MR(30)) --LAW.C0 = CA(MR(50), 0, MR(30)) * CN(0, -0.6, 0) --FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-50), 0) --HW.C0 = CA(MR(30), 0, 0) -- -- function Explode(Par, Pos, surface) Notime(function() local cf = CN(Pos) * CA(Par.CFrame:toEulerAnglesXYZ()) * surface[2] * CN(0, 1, 0) if surface[1] == "Anything" then cf = surface[2] end local col = Par.BrickColor.Color local r, g, b = col.r, col.g, col.b local col1, col2, col3 = C3(MRA(r*60, r*100)/100, MRA(g*60, g*100)/100, MRA(b*60, b*100)/100), C3(MRA(r*60, r*100)/100, MRA(g*60, g*100)/100, MRA(b*60, b*100)/100), C3(MRA(r*60, r*100)/100, MRA(g*60, g*100)/100, MRA(b*60, b*100)/100) local p = Part(workspace, true, false, 0, 0, BN(col1.r, col1.g, col1.b), V3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)) local p2 = Part(workspace, true, false, 0, 0, BN(col2.r, col2.g, col2.b), V3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)) local p3 = Part(workspace, true, false, 0, 0, BN(col3.r, col3.g, col3.b), V3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)) p.CFrame = cf p2.CFrame = cf p3.CFrame = cf local m = Add.Mesh(p, "roblox/asset/?id=20329976", V3(1, 1, 1)) local m2 = Add.Mesh(p2, "roblox/asset/?id=20329976", V3(1, 1, 1)) local m3 = Add.Mesh(p3, "roblox/asset/?id=20329976", V3(1, 1, 1)) for i = -0.2, 1, 0.12 do p2.Transparency = i+0.1 p.Transparency = i p3.Transparency = i+0.2 m.Scale = V3(1+2.5*i, 1.4+1*i, 1+2.5*i) m2.Scale = V3(0.8+2*i, 1.2+1*i, 0.8+2*i) m3.Scale = V3(0.5+1*i, 1+1*i, 0.5+1*i) wait() end p2:remove() p3:remove() p:remove() end) end function Shoot(Pos) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local acc = Accuracy*100 local Start = Main2.CFrame * CN(0, 0, -0.5).p local Face = CN(Start, Pos) * CA(MR(MRA(-acc, acc))/100, MR(MRA(-acc, acc))/100, MR(MRA(-acc, acc))/100) local Cannonball = Part(Model, true, false, 0, 0, BN("Black"), V3(1.3, 1.3, 1.3)) Add.Sphere(Cannonball) Cannonball.CFrame = Face local Go = 3 local Drop = 0.55/(Go*3) local Dist = 500 local lastP = Start local omg = 0 for i = Go, Dist, Go do Drop = Drop + 1/(Go*3) omg = omg + Drop local dropping = CA(MR(-Drop), 0, 0) if omg > 130 then dropping = CN() end Face = Face * dropping * CN(0, 0, -Go) Cannonball.CFrame = Face local Magn = (Face.p - lastP).magnitude local T = Part(Model, true, false, 0.1, 0, BN("Mid gray"), V3(0.2, 1, 0.2)) local M ="SpecialMesh",T) M.MeshType = "Head" M.Scale = V3(5, Magn, 5) T.CFrame = CN(lastP, Face.p) * CA(MR(-90), 0, 0) * CN(0, Magn/2, 0) Notime(function() wait(0.1) for i = 0.1, 1, 0.1 do T.Transparency = i+0.1 M.Scale = V3(5-5*i, Magn+0.5, 5-5*i) wait() end T:remove() end) local Hit, Hitpos = RayC(lastP, Face.p, Go*2, Char) lastP = Face.p if Hit then PlaySound(Sounds.Boom, true) local s = DetectSurface(Hitpos, Hit) Explode(Hit, Hitpos, s) Cannonball.CFrame = CN(Hitpos) local hu = GetHum(Hit.Parent) if hu == nil and Hit.Parent.className ~= "Hat" and Hit.Anchored then coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() wait(10) for i = 0, 1, 0.04 do Cannonball.Transparency = i wait() end Cannonball:remove() end)) else Cannonball:remove() end local Noobs = GetGroup(Hitpos, 5, Hit) for _,v in pairs(Noobs) do local dm = 60/((v[3]+3)/3) dm = MRA(dm*0.9, dm*1.04) v[1].Health = v[1].Health - dm local t = v[2]:findFirstChild("Head") if t then Show_Damage(t.Position, dm) end pcall(function() Tag(v[1]) end) end local Parts = GetParts(Hitpos, 7) for _,v in pairs(Parts) do if v[3] == false then Notime(function() if v[1].Name == "Brick wall" then v[1]:BreakJoints() v[1].Velocity = (CN(Hitpos, v[1].Position).lookVector * (110/((v[2]+2)/3))) wait(0.1) v[1].Velocity = (CN(Hitpos, v[1].Position).lookVector * (110/((v[2]+2)/3))) else v[1].Velocity = (CN(Hitpos, v[1].Position).lookVector * (80/((v[2]+2)/3))) end end) end end break end wait() end end)) end function ShootAnim(pos) RLW.Part1 = Rleg LLW.Part1 = Lleg local cf = ComputePos(Torso.Position, pos) local bp ="BodyPosition",Torso) bp.maxForce = V3(MH, 0, MH) bp.P = 10000 PlaySound(Sounds.Shoot, true) local effect = Part(Model, false, false, 0, 0, BN(ShootColors[MRA(1,#ShootColors)]), V3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)) local effect2 = Part(Model, false, false, 0, 0, BN(ShootColors[MRA(1,#ShootColors)]), V3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)) local m1 = Add.Mesh(effect, "roblox/asset/?id=20329976", V3(1,1,1)) local m2 = Add.Mesh(effect2, "roblox/asset/?id=20329976", V3(1,1,1)) local w1 = Weld(Main2, effect, CA(MR(-90), 0, 0), CN(0, -1, 0)) local w2 = Weld(Main2, effect2, CA(MR(-90), 0, 0), CN(0, -1, 0)) for i = 0, 1, 0.5 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(20-50*i), MR(50-25*i), MR(30+45*i)) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(50-10*i), 0, MR(30+20*i)) * CN(0, -0.6-0.3*i, 0) RLW.C0 = CA(MR(30*i), 0, MR(-15*i)) LLW.C0 = CA(MR(10*i), 0, MR(-35*i)) FW.C0 = CA(MR(5*i), MR(-50-15*i), 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(30), MR(35*i), MR(-25*i)) Neck.C0 = necko * CA(MR(10*i), 0, 0) bp.position = cf * CN(0, 0, 3*i).p m1.Scale = V3(0.5+0.6*i, 0.4+0.2*i, 0.5+0.6*i) m2.Scale = V3(0.3+0.5*i, 0.5+1*i, 0.3+0.5*i) w1.C1 = CN(0, -1-0.2*i, 0) w2.C1 = CN(0, -1-0.5*i, 0) effect.Transparency = 0.2*i effect2.Transparency = 0.2*i wait() end for i = 0.2, 1, 0.2 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(-30-10*i), MR(25-5*i), MR(75+5*i)) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(40-5*i), 0, MR(50+5*i)) * CN(0, -0.9-0.05*i, 0) RLW.C0 = CA(MR(30+5*i), 0, MR(-15)) LLW.C0 = CA(MR(10+5*i), 0, MR(-35-5*i)) FW.C0 = CA(MR(5+5*i), MR(-65-5*i), 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(30), MR(35+5*i), MR(-25-5*i)) Neck.C0 = necko * CA(MR(10+5*i), 0, 0) bp.position = cf * CN(0, 0, 3+1*i).p m1.Scale = V3(1+1*i, 0.7+0.9*i, 1+1*i) m2.Scale = V3(0.8+0.6*i, 1.5+1.6*i, 0.8+0.6*i) w1.C1 = CN(0, -1.2-0.6*i, 0) w2.C1 = CN(0, -1.5-1.8*i, 0) effect.Transparency = 0.2+0.9*i effect2.Transparency = 0.2+0.9*i wait() end effect:remove() effect2:remove() for i = 0.2, 1, 0.2 do bp.position = cf * CN(0, 0, 4+0.8*i).p wait() end for i = 0.08, 1, 0.06 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(-40+50*i), MR(20+15*i), MR(80-35*i)) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(35-30*i), 0, MR(55-45*i)) * CN(0, -0.95+0.5*i, 0) RLW.C0 = CA(MR(35-35*i), 0, MR(-15+25*i)) LLW.C0 = CA(MR(15-15*i), 0, MR(-40+30*i)) FW.C0 = CA(MR(10-7*i), MR(-70+40*i), 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(30), MR(40-40*i), MR(-30-10*i)) Neck.C0 = necko * CA(MR(15+5*i), 0, MR(20*i)) bp.position = cf * CN(0, 0, 4.8+0.8*i).p wait() end bp:remove() for i = 0.33, 1, 0.33 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(10+10*i), MR(35+5*i), MR(45-5*i)) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(5), 0, MR(10)) * CN(0, -0.45+0.1*i, 0) FW.C0 = CA(MR(3-3*i), MR(-30+5*i), 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(30), 0, MR(-40-10*i)) wait() end for i = 0.12, 1, 0.12 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(20+5*i), MR(40+5*i), MR(40+5*i)) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(5), 0, MR(10)) * CN(0, -0.35-0.3*i, 0) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-25+5*i), 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(30), 0, MR(-50-5*i)) wait() end local b = Part(Model, false, false, 0, 0, BN("Black"), V3(1.1, 1.1, 1.1)) local m = Add.Sphere(b) local w = Weld(Larm, b, CN(), CN(0, 1.4, 0)) for i = 0.16, 1, 0.16 do LAW.C0 = CA(MR(5+30*i), 0, MR(10+10*i)) * CN(0, -0.65+0.65*i, 0) RAW.C0 = CA(MR(25), MR(45+3*i), MR(40)) m.Scale = V3(0.5+0.5*i, 0.5+0.5*i, 0.5+0.5*i) Neck.C0 = necko * CA(MR(20-10*i), 0, MR(20-15*i)) wait() end for i = 0.1, 1, 0.1 do LAW.C0 = CA(MR(35+105*i), 0, MR(20+20*i)) * CN(0, -0.9*i, 0) RAW.C0 = CA(MR(25), MR(48+6*i), MR(40)) Neck.C0 = necko * CA(MR(10-10*i), 0, MR(5-35*i)) wait() end for i = 0.16, 1, 0.16 do LAW.C0 = CA(MR(140-10*i), 0, MR(40-15*i)) * CN(0, -0.9-0.2*i, 0) RAW.C0 = CA(MR(25), MR(54), MR(40)) Neck.C0 = necko * CA(MR(5*i), 0, MR(-30)) w.C0 = CN(1.5*i, 0.55*i, 1.1*i) wait() end PlaySound(Sounds.Reload, true) b:remove() w:remove() for i = 0.2, 1, 0.2 do LAW.C0 = CA(MR(130-10*i), 0, MR(25-15*i)) * CN(0, -1.1+0.2*i, 0) RAW.C0 = CA(MR(25-10*i), MR(54), MR(40)) Neck.C0 = necko * CA(MR(5-3*i), 0, MR(-30+5*i)) HW.C0 = CA(MR(30), 0, MR(-55+10*i)) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-20-5*i), 0) wait() end for i = 0.11, 1, 0.11 do LAW.C0 = CA(MR(120-60*i), 0, MR(10+15*i)) * CN(0, -0.9+0.3*i, 0) RAW.C0 = CA(MR(15+5*i), MR(54-4*i), MR(40-10*i)) Neck.C0 = necko * CA(MR(2-2*i), 0, MR(-25+25*i)) HW.C0 = CA(MR(30), 0, MR(-45+45*i)) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-25-20*i), 0) RLW.C0 = CA(0, 0, MR(10-8*i)) LLW.C0 = CA(0, 0, MR(-10+8*i)) wait() end Neck.C0 = necko for i = 0.25, 1, 0.25 do LAW.C0 = CA(MR(60-10*i), 0, MR(25+5*i)) * CN(0, -0.6, 0) RAW.C0 = CA(MR(20), MR(50), MR(30)) HW.C0 = CA(MR(30), 0, 0) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-45-5*i), 0) RLW.C0 = CA(0, 0, MR(2-2*i)) LLW.C0 = CA(0, 0, MR(-2+2*i)) wait() end RLW.Part1 = nil LLW.Part1 = nil RAW.C0 = CA(MR(20), MR(50), MR(30)) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(50), 0, MR(30)) * CN(0, -0.6, 0) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-50), 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(30), 0, 0) Neck.C0 = necko end function Melee() PlaySound(Sounds.Slash, true) for i = 0.25, 1, 0.25 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(20+5*i), MR(50-5*i), MR(30+3*i)) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(50), 0, MR(30+4*i)) * CN(0, -0.6-0.05*i, 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(30), MR(5*i), 0) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-50-5*i), 0) wait() end for i = 0.12, 1, 0.12 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(25+25*i), MR(45-30*i), MR(33+7*i)) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(50), 0, MR(34+11*i)) * CN(0, -0.65-0.25*i, 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(30), MR(5+25*i), 0) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-55-25*i), 0) wait() end for i = 0.33, 1, 0.33 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(50+15*i), MR(15-5*i), MR(40-10*i)) * CN(0, -0.2*i, 0) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(50+10*i), 0, MR(45-5*i)) * CN(0, -0.9+0.15*i, 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(30+2*i), MR(30+5*i), 0) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-80+10*i), MR(-5*i)) wait() end Hurt = true Debounce = true for i = 0.07, 1, 0.07 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(65+55*i), MR(10), MR(30-70*i)) * CN(0, -0.2-1.1*i, 0) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(60+120*i), 0, MR(40-70*i)) * CN(0, -0.75+0.7*i, 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(32+6*i), MR(35+20*i), MR(-4*i)) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-70+110*i), 0) wait() end for i = 0.16, 1, 0.16 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(120+10*i), MR(10), MR(-40-5*i)) * CN(0, -1.3-0.1*i, 0) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(180+15*i), 0, MR(-30-20*i)) * CN(0, -0.05+0.1*i, 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(38+2*i), MR(55-6*i), MR(-4-1*i)) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(40+10*i), 0) wait() end Hurt = false for i = 0.2, 1, 0.2 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(130+5*i), MR(10), MR(-45-2*i)) * CN(0, -1.4-0.05*i, 0) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(195+5*i), 0, MR(-50-8*i)) * CN(0, 0.05+0.05*i, 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(40), MR(49-2*i), MR(-5)) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(50+3*i), 0) wait() end wait(0.2) for i = 0.2, 1, 0.2 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(135-10*i), MR(10+5*i), MR(-47+10*i)) * CN(0, -1.45+0.25*i, 0) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(200-10*i), 0, MR(-58+10*i)) * CN(0, 0.1-0.1*i, 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(40), MR(47-5*i), MR(-5+5*i)) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(53-10*i), 0) wait() end for i = 0.08, 1, 0.08 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(125-90*i), MR(15+30*i), MR(-37+57*i)) * CN(0, -1.2+1.1*i, 0) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(190-125*i), 0, MR(-48+68*i)) * CN(0, -0.5*i, 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(40-7*i), MR(42-37*i), 0) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(43-82*i), 0) wait() end for i = 0.2, 1, 0.2 do RAW.C0 = CA(MR(35-15*i), MR(45+5*i), MR(20+10*i)) * CN(0, -0.1+0.1*i, 0) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(65-15*i), 0, MR(20+10*i)) * CN(0, -0.5-0.1*i, 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(33-3*i), MR(5-5*i), 0) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-41-9*i), 0) wait() end RLW.Part1 = nil LLW.Part1 = nil RAW.C0 = CA(MR(20), MR(50), MR(30)) LAW.C0 = CA(MR(50), 0, MR(30)) * CN(0, -0.6, 0) FW.C0 = CA(0, MR(-50), 0) HW.C0 = CA(MR(30), 0, 0) Neck.C0 = necko end function onSelected(mouse) SelectAnim() Selected = true mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() if Attacking == false then Attacking = true mouse.Button1Up:wait() Shoot(mouse.Hit.p) ShootAnim(mouse.Hit.p) Attacking = false end end) mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) key = key:lower() if key == "q" then if Attacking == false then Attacking = true Melee() Attacking = false end end end) end function onDeselected(mouse) Selected = false DeselAnim() end bin.Selected:connect(onSelected) bin.Deselected:connect(onDeselected)
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 19:53:10 +0000

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