Playing the age game as passed to me by Tim Beadle: Age I was - TopicsExpress


Playing the age game as passed to me by Tim Beadle: Age I was given : 31 Where I lived : Redhill, Surrey What I drove : A very old one. It only stayed in one piece due to the rust molecules holding hands What I did : Computer programmer using COBOL. My code was fed into an ICL1900 mainframe by punched paper tape. The computer took up an floor area equivalent to that of a house and needed two shifts of six operators to work it. The phone in my pocket today likely has more processing power. Who had my heart : Liz Shoosmith - wed been married for five months Age I am now : 65 Where I live : Out in Bandit Country, beyond Baths city walls What I drive : A rather newer and so far rust-free car which doesnt get much use cos I prefer to walk, cycle, make use of my old gits bus pass and Senior Railcard, cos driving is somewhat less inspiring than cleaning a dirty toilet with my bare hands. What I do : Bugger all - Im retired Who has my heart : In the romantic sense? Nobody. Otherwise, my two daughters. Like my status and I will give you an age
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 14:28:15 +0000

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