Please Do Not Tell Me that Mercy For Animals Is NOT A Partner With - TopicsExpress


Please Do Not Tell Me that Mercy For Animals Is NOT A Partner With Industrial Animal Killers - Here, in its own pathetic propagandist patter, MFA attempts to explain its egregious campaign in support of legislation written by United Egg Producers. At the heart of MFAs self defense is its first and primary point that the beef, pork, and dairy industries opposed Mercy for Animals position of support for amendments to the Egg Products Inspection Act. The problem is that chickens have nothing to fear from the beef, pork, and dairy industries, and that Mercy For Animals was on the side of those who massacre chickens, and the legislation they wrote to abuse them. Sleazier than that is the outrageous deception at the center of MFAs sleight of hand PR campaign, that we were working to ban barren battery cages. MFA was not campaigning against battery cages, it was campaigning against them being barren, and needing a sticks shoved into them called perches, and sand or wood shavings to be baths or nesting areas. MFA was actually campaigning FOR battery cages, same ol, same ol, horrific, stacked high, indoors, no windows, and 67 square inches per bird - all fine with MFA. These same battery cages, which go by the names furnished, enriched, modified were universally condemned by animal advocates, including MFA, and others on the list of traitors in MFAs excuse letter. They all said these cages were unacceptable and caused severe physical and psychological damage to the birds. Now they praise these United Egg Producers concentration camps as if they were luxury resorts, calling them new colony housing. Who wouldnt want to live there? Please ask Mercy For Animals - and HSUS, Farm Sanctuary, Compassion Over Killing, IDA, ASPCA, and FARM, for that matter - what changed. Why on one day would they oppose torturous caged imprisonment, and then the very next day reverse positions and support it in partnership with one of the greatest, most heinous mass killers of animals on earth? These actions have created a catastrophe for chickens in California and around the globe. And this is the kind of organization that dupes a Sam Simon and other big-buck donors into writing huge checks. For what? If the meat-dairy-fish-and egg industries didnt appoint these animal-betrayal specialists to the leadership of the animal-advocacy movement, who did? The animals are waiting for an answer.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 06:35:50 +0000

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