Please EVERYONE must read...beware of free dogs!!! So id like to - TopicsExpress


Please EVERYONE must read...beware of free dogs!!! So id like to post this in regards to the free female newfoundland that was on here yesterday located in elkland ny...i was the lucky one that got this poor creature. She was very shy and timid and scared locked in her dog crate when i got to the home. Normally these dogs r not like this, they are friendly and docile gentle giants. The woman stated she had moved recently and didnt have a big enough house for her to be in and she barked all day cause she had to be left in her crate. She was very afraid of me but i knew the life she could have with me and ive volunteered at many animal shelters and rehomed many dogs too, So i figured id give it a try cause i wasnt leaving her here. So I took the poor dog home and today one day later I go look at both of her ears and both ears are severely infected, one of them is actually bleeding. Theyre red and hot and very dirty. The rest of her was also disgustingly dirty so i gave her a bath immediately and trimmed away all the mats behind her ears. I tried cleaning her ears and she wouldnt let me touch them because they hurt her so badly. After finding all of this out i simply messaged the woman back and nicely told her of the bad infection and that id appreciate her paying for a portion of the visit. Really i feel she dumped this dog cause she knew and couldnt afford it. I figured itd be about $80/100 and they could pay for half. Thats the least they could do right? I shouldnt have any responsibility to pay for this but i doubt theyd pay for the whole amount. Well end of story is they say they cant afford to thats why they got rid of her and its my problem now and then when i said no its their problem as well and how could they not think so...they called me some nasty swear words several times and said for me to bring the dog back. They demanded several times i bring her back. Ha ya right like id take the poor thing back to them so they could lock her in her cage and pawn her off on someone else. Anyone with any helpful ideas or what i can do about this please let me know. This couple has no right to mistreat this poor animal and dump her off on someone else. And im also going to have a large vet bill besides to pay for that i was not anticipating.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 01:03:33 +0000

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