Please Help!! THE UNFORTUNATE STORY OF A 14 YEAR OLD ABIAN NTSHABELE DR NTLHE L. SEKETEME GENERAL MEDICAL PRACTITIONER GABORONE, BOTSWANA With permission It was January 2014, first day at work after festive season that Abian Ntshabele, a 13 year old girl came through to our clinic for consultation. Her mother ,Tiny Ntshabele who then lived in the UK had come for holiday over festive season. She then noticed Abian’s tummy was a little bigger than it should be. She was worried she told me. She thought Abian might be pregnant. ‘you never know these things’, she said. As we got on with the consultation little Abian was relaxed, open and jovial. We soon established that chances that she might be pregnant were zero. The question that remained was; what is this then coming out from her pelvis (at physical examination) like a pregnancy? We then sent her first for a pregnancy test which came back negative, then quickly for a ultrasound scan which confirmed a COMPLICATED MASS(TUMOR), coming out from her pelvis likely from her left ovary. Next step we sent her for a CT scan which also reported a Mass (tumor) from the pelvis which was likely an ovarian in origin. This all happened within five days. We then realized we had a big job on our hands and needed specialists who could help treat this unfortunate girl. We made a series of phone calls to various specialists and eventually got the team in Princess Marina Hospital, Gaborone to take care of her. They went ahead and planned her operation. We were happy following the operation that her tumor marker (blood tests used to monitor cancer activity) was dropping. The histology (laboratory diagnosis of the tumor) had confirmed an OVARIAN IMMATURE TERATOMA, a rare cancer. Unfortunatelt few months later her tumor marker started climbing up. This was not good news at all. She had to be re evaluated and was found to have the tumor in her pelvis again and also near the liver and abdomen. She underwent chemotherapy, lost her hair but never lost her smile, but the stubborn tumor would not go away. Her mother then thought UK might be a better place to treat her only child. I concurred as all chances of further or more sophisticated treatments were apparently nil existent within our borders or neighbors. So Abian’s mother sold her property, took all her savings and those of relatives and flew her daughter to the UK. It has now turned out that even the doctors in UK can’t help Abian. Her mother has done extensive research on this rare tumor and has found contacts in China where the operation can be done. Unfortunately she and her relatives cannot afford the expenses that are required. Through help of friends and relatives Abian’s mother has now launched a global appeal for donations so that Abian’s operation and care expenses can be met. My only appeal to you as a friend, stranger, citizen of the world is to hear the cries of Abian’s mother. Abian is the only child of Tiny Ntshabele. She hasn’t been in school since she walked into our clinic last year January. I have three small children, if any of them were to be in Abian’s situation I would do exactly what Abian’s mother is doing to save their lives. Please join in to help save Abian Ntshabele’s life: DONATE ANY AMOUNT Abian Ntshabele FNB acc # 62263884291 main branch Botswana. UK bank account details HSBC Bank, Acc 42013940, sort code 400917. Tiny Lerato Ntshabele E- wallet to Tebogo Chuma no# 71897972 or Mpho Pilanes no# 74 728 636 gofundme/helpabian facebook group: PLEASE HELP ABBIE GET WELL
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 07:01:10 +0000

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