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Please Hit The REMIX Button On Your You-Tube Channels It Will Upload This Video To Your Channels What You See In This Video Is Happening All Across America Today In 2015 United Nations Agenda21 Is Ultimately Behind It Watch This Is Why The BLM Wants The BUNDY Ranch Gone by PrePackagedNews For A Clearer Understanding Of UN Agenda21 They Are Using Presidential Powers And Full Force Of The Military Even Drone Strikes On Fertilizer Plants To Hurt The Farming & Ranching Community After Dragging Amish, Organic, Family Farmers Through The Kangaroo Courts Spending Over 100,000s.Of Dollars They Win Like BakersGreenAcres And Then Another Letter Is Sent And They Attack Them Again And Start The Proceedure Over Only This Time They Alter The Law.From.A.Different Angle To Win And Shut These Small Family Farmer.Businesses Down This Way.The ONLY Food.Well All Be Forced To Eat With LABELS On It Like Natural instead of Organic And I Discovered Kashi Cereal Has GMO In It So So Much.For Paying Double For Organic So They Can Slip Their Poison In Some Stupid New Law.IF Its Less Than 2% or 10% They Can Still Label It Organic Well Look What A Difference 2% Milk Makes or 1% The Difference In DNA of A Monkey To A Human Is 2% I Dont Want.One Drop Of Poison In My.Food 1%.2% 10% Poison Is.Poison Monsanto Has.Engineered 99% Of The Nutrients Out Of Our Food Monsanto Has.Engineered.Cancer Into Our Food Monsanto Has Created Terminator Seeds Monsanto Has.Engineered Terminator Chickens & Animals Farmers Are.Being FORCED To Buy These.Terminator Seeds & Chickens And The Chicken Just.Falls.Over DEAD At The End Of One.Year The People Eating This Food Get.Cancer And.Are.Sterilized.By Eating This Food Just. Like The Seeds & Animals Are Unable To.Reproduced Thereby Becoming Terminator.Citizens That Die A.Painful Cancerous Death However Big PHARMA Will Give You A Prescription Heroin Pill To Kill The Pain From The Cancer Inducing Monsanto Food Watch SOLA Afghanistan by TruthNeverTold its The 67 Tons Of.Yearly Production Of Poppy Flower.Fields Used To Create Heroin Opium Hopium Pills So Monsanto Military Big PHARMA Doctors Scientists Judges Lawyers Congress 411 to 10 Steel.Toed.Tactical Boots EPA FDA Fraud & Death.Administration SWAT Teams in.SECRET 5.Am.Family Bedroom Raids Killing All The Perfectly Healthy Animals For A.Disease That To.This Day.Doesnt Exist Then Threatening Families With IF YOU TELL ANYONE WELL BE BACK This Is.The REAL NEWS NOT Some Made.Up Propaganda News About Sarah.Palin Son & His.Dog or The President Eating A Dog Or Which TV Housewife Is Going To.Prison IF 5,000.People Uploaded.This Video With This Truth.Attached Were.Uploaded To You-Tube Today We. Could Shine.A Spotlight So BRIGHT On These.Despicable Acts.Of Animal & Human Cruelty That.FDA SWAT Is.Sneaking Around In Secrecy ZERO Violence ZERO Laying On The Ground Like A DEAD RAT ZERO Chanting Like A Satanist Of I.Cant Breath And Doing Something Constructive Using Your Brains Work.Smarter Not Harder And Stand.Up.For Freedom Of Information & Be A Real Freedom Fighter Not A Wannabe This Is.Global So If your In Another Country ADD Subtitles in Your Language The Law Is Used Like A Tool A Weapon Against Liberty Freedom Oregon Man Received 30 Day.Prison Sentence For Collecting RAIN Water Out Of.His Pond To Water.His Garden This Same Law Is Put In Other States & Countries IF That Law Doesnt Work Its Flip Flopped Around Like Maryland New.RAIN Tax For Amount Of RAIN That Falls On Your Property by MaryGreeley1954 What.Taxing Us For The Air We Breath by MaryGreeley1954 For More Examples Of Flip Flopping Laws Watch Illegal Everything by John Strossel & Arrested For Growing A Tomato by GvLoanGuy & Bakers Green Acres by KyleMiron & Operation Northcutt by BakersGreenAcres & Battle For.California Desert Why Is.The.Government Driving Folk Off Their Land by.ReasonTV in this Video These Families Are Completely Self.Sufficient Living Off The Citys ELECTRIC WIRE CAGE Grid Solar Powered Everything Greenhouse Gardens Of Organic Eden Well.Water.& Septic However Just Like This Video Here Farmageddon by GvLoanGuy Taxpayer Funded Welfare In The Humvee FDA SWAT Teams And City Bureaucracy Get.Away.With Murder While Cointelpro Agents Herd The Sheeple Into The.Streets To.Lay.On The Ground Like A Dead Rat.& Say I.Cant Breath Were Are Peoples Brains At????
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 16:01:49 +0000

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