Please, I implore all of you, even those who do not believe in - TopicsExpress


Please, I implore all of you, even those who do not believe in war; Remember our fallen troops tomorrow. Remember the stories of all that occurred before we were brought into the world, before we were born and able to live free. Remember the young men and women who marched, who dug trenches, and who mended those who marched so they may fight again in the next battle. Remember the animals that aided in the allied victory. They did not choose war, they could not choose anything but to trust the steady hand of their master who guided them. Everyday we are shown that hatred, sadness and fights for control have the ability to make us feel our liberty is challenged... Even if we never or rarely admit it. Thank a soldier who serves or served our country, who continues to try and protect us from those who would set to destroy us. I dont condone war and killing I do pray that all of our free society remember that killing did happen to keep the murder and destruction of this type of society at bay. As long as there are human beings there will be war. We will never escape large scale conflict because we created it. Just remember that these veterans not long ago stood in muddy trenches, in the pouring rain to hold off our enemy at the time. There will always be a new enemy. Support our troops with love and remembrance so they may not forget us when they face our new threats. They need to know they fight for a reason. They need to know we do not take for granted the training, the sacrifice, and the possible suffering they endure. We are lucky enough to choose to enlist. These people want to protect us. Show them respect by showing their predecessors in battle respect. Remove cover, bow head and whisper thanks in your heart at 11 A.M. no matter where you may find yourself. Thank you, Veterans and current soldiers, for your efforts, sacrifices, injury, pain and strength of mind to stand and hold ground where we may never have to.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 05:14:21 +0000

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