Please Like our Page! Today marks the 94 birth anniversary of our - TopicsExpress


Please Like our Page! Today marks the 94 birth anniversary of our beloved founding chairman, Baba Herman Ferguson! Our first New Year without him! We salute you, sir...Please enjoy this offering made for this great man at his memorial... The four winds of resistance (for baba herman ferguson, 1920-2014, in memoriam) By ‘bro. zayid’ “This is under the protection of the red the black and the green…” Lumumba Carson, bka ‘professor x-the overseer, X-Clan The drum has sounded!... The drum has sounded for another of our great ones… So we call on the four winds for the God of our ancestors The God of our genius The God anchoring us from our once glorious heights… Not that god that doesn’t look like us Not the one ‘they’ called on to bless our enslavement and oppression Not the one who left us hanging from southern trees all along this wilderness of north amerikkka Not that angry blond blue eyed god of oppression war and exploitation… But the God of the vast blackness of infinity birthing the universe and all order and arrangement… A Just AllKnowing AllWise God… The God of the four winds… Those winds that would have us rise up and resist this order of oppression at every turn at every turn… For that God and those winds we say ase… So for the north the south the east and the west We say ase… The drum has sounded… The drum has sounded for a gallant long distance runner of struggle and nationbuilding… for Herman Ferguson… For his enormous commitment For his incredible sacrifices For his valor and courage For his pioneering sizzling silver-eyed insurgent nationbuilding vision For all that he has done and had been doing for so long we stop and pause proudly and we say ase… And who will receive this man for his service in the glorious land of the ancestors? His pioneering parents Benjamin and Julia Mae Ferguson who proudly applauded this incredible son of theirs ase… His pioneering comrade Imari Obadele the legendary leader of the Legionnaires who put detroit pigs on their heels in the aftermath of the declaration of new afrikan independence in the mighty Battle of New Bethel! ase!... His former minister of defense His Jericho cofounder The black liberation army’s own Safiya Bukhari! ase!... Guyana’s black man of dignity who gave him and others like him a refuge from repression made in only amerikkka A refuge that also provided ample room for him to serve with that nationbuilding vision Forbes Burnham who promptly thanked him for his groundbreaking service* ase!... The gentle giant and educational co-liberator Jitu Weusi was there to greet his big brother ase… And Khallid That bold, baldheaded black man The balagun of the new black panther party who loved him like a son was the first to salute him… ase… Amiri Baraka, Watusi Branch and Maya Angelou organized the welcome dance Funga Alafia, ase ase! Funga Alafia ase ase!... Our lawyer Chokwe Lumumba Presented him with his official papers of entrée ase!... And it is reported that Herman smiled thanked everyone but insisted on immediately being led to the war room The Harriet Tubman Room To General Tubman herself to report for duty… ase… Nat turner met him with a battle borne machete and Che’ Guevara gave him his new uniform ase!... Queen Mother Moore The mother of Reparations presented him with her pistol the same one she packed in the Garden** back in 1920 the year of him birth to protect Marcus Garvey with! ase! Avenging angel Albert Nuh Washington And the Panther general from Jersey Basher Hameed Lumumba and Zayd Shakur All met him with a security detail headed up by a young new afrikan prince and martyr Fahiym Ali “we were gonna do everything to make sure u got here, sir, when the time came” they all said in unison… ase… and eddie ellis one of his sons from the range*** who came outta prison still lookin out for all of those still on the count along with Comrade Smitty that gritty ‘ol Panther from Newark they greeted him with his wisdom stool... Then his comrades from the OAAU and the MXCC Yuri Kochiyama the quintessential internationalist neckbreaking bad Butch Gladstone and passionflower Jean Reynolds… Together they would then take this man whom we love and salute today back to his leader back to our leader Malcolm X, yes! our leader Malcolm X! who was supremely proud to receive the most stalwart of all of those in his ranks! And we say ase ase ase!... Only to have the Abubadika Sonny Carson laugh and tell him “I told him he was coming…” May we all grow up to be just like this great man! strong proud tireless fearless… May we all earn the same reception after making a similar impact in this realm just like he did… so for the four winds the mighty four winds of resistance we pour libation for the north the south the east and the west and we ase ase ase ase-o!... “This under the protection Of the red the black and the green… Sissy!!!...” *Baba Herman who lived nearly 20 years in exile in Guyana is credited with implementing is civil defense system. He retired from the Guyana Defense Forces a full lieutenant… **On August 17, 1920, the UNIA under Garvey’s leadership hosted its largest gathering at Madison Square Garden in NYC. Garvey implemented the Universal Afrikan Liberation flag at this gathering. When asked if it was safe to convene those historic proceedings, it is said that Queen Mother Moore pulled out a pistol and screamed ‘speak! Garvey, speak!’ *** Shortly after Malcolm’s assassination, Baba Herman formed the Jamaican Rifle and Pistol Club, an all-Black gun club, an initiative that made him a very serious FBI COINTELPRO target. That gun club trained dozens of young men and women who would later join the Black Panther Party… ©2014 all rights reserved
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 11:34:25 +0000

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