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Please Post! ________________________________________ Southern Division Retail Negotiations Update Corporate Cub Negotiations: Cub Proposes to Cap Vacations for Part-time Employees In bargaining on Tuesday, April 29 our committee was completely offended by the Employer proposal to cap vacations for part-time employees at 3 weeks. While the Employer was willing to discuss the proposal, committee members strongly objected to ANY change in a benefit that has been hard-earned and enjoyed by our members. In addition, we had a lengthy discussion over dress code and appropriate weather gear for members that are required to work outside in inclement weather (both hot and cold). Our committee is firm in protecting members who need to spend time working outside. We did make minor headway in other non-economic areas of our proposals. Both parties agreed that any economic discussions are tied to health care and its cost. We have set May 27 and June 6 as additional dates. We will again update at the conclusion of each of these sessions. Health Care Meeting In the afternoon of April 29, Local 1189 hosted a meeting for ALL member bargaining committees and employers. The purpose of this meeting was to present data from the consultants of our health fund. This information included historical financial status of the fund, current fund reserves and the cost of maintaining current benefits (approximately $6 million). Also presented was information on cost savings to the plan and ideas on increasing revenue. The purpose of this meeting was to have all bargainers work from the same set of data and work toward designing a sustainable health plan. A small sub-committee will meet on May 9 and bring health care recommendations back to the bargaining table. Future dates for bargaining will then be set to review these recommendations. Watch for updates as we continue with negotiations.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 19:45:42 +0000

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