Please Pray For Steven all day... Today Dr. Rushden will do - TopicsExpress


Please Pray For Steven all day... Today Dr. Rushden will do another colonoscopy. I know Steven at this point has had several. Why nothing is showing is beyond me. So, with that said. Please all prayer warriors cry out Stevens name in prayer and feel free to put him on any and all prayer chains. Down deep in my heart I feel he has Crohns Disease besides his diagnosed gastroperesis. Why? Because the nature of that beast does cause gastro bleeding and inflamation. Had a biopsy come back questionable. Without a concrete YES to the testing they will NOT treat him for it. To me what does he have to lose just by treating him. At this point its worth a shot considering nothing thats getting done right now isnt working. So why not? To me if it gets tried and fails at least then we will know. So, please pray for much needed concrete answers today and if these biopsies that are questionable is more true than not that God will allow Dr. Rushden to even see one bad anything related to Crohns today. We do not know what time today the scope will be so please be praying all day and Calling Steven and Dr. Rushden out in prayer. Steven for answers and Dr. Rushden for guidance and the direction he needs as the dr. to further diagnose. Thanks so much to each of you. Hey, it may not be Crohns but what if it is and its going untreated??? Maybe Steven isnt the textbook Crohns patient. If it is Crohns and its just not getting treated, if he gets put on the right meds for it, it can put him in Crohsn remission and help him lead a more normal life. Granted gastroperesis will always have him in and out the hospital for the rest of his life but it alone doesnt cause as much hospital time as he is having now. For it there is no cure either. I know everyone says pray for good results but no not this time. We need something to come back positive for findings to understand why Steven is losing blood and not getting well.... Please God hear our prayer for answers. Please help my sweetheart get up out that bed and get the medical attention and further diagnosis he much needs. Much love and many blessings to each of you. Love, Pinky
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 14:46:01 +0000

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