Please, Put on the full armor of God. This is the will of God! Do - TopicsExpress


Please, Put on the full armor of God. This is the will of God! Do not do what your flesh wants to do. Walk in the Spirit of God that is in the light, and allow God to help you. When I was a teenager I would go to many places that were teaching Gods Holy Word. My Heavenly Father was guiding me to His only Jewish Son Who came from His Fathers bosom, the very spoken word that flowed out of the Fathers mouth. The Word became flesh and dwells among us. In a human body without sin. Because He was conceived by the Holy Spirit. At any time He could have said no, But praise God that He was worthy to receive our sins once and for all mankind. Friends When I could not be obedient to God, Because I loved the world more than Him. I would live a double life. But each time when I would cry out to God and asked for His forgiveness. He was there for me. When I was unable to stop My cussing and using Gods name in vain. I again I asked for His help. By the power of the Holy Spirit. I stopped both. Praise God. Friends, if you read this post and the very important you tube. Please make a comment or put like. Friends we dont have much time left on this earth. Before a peace agreement is going to be signed. America things are going to change here. Pick up the Holy Word of God, and dont be afraid of dying for your God and love of Jesus Christ Love the Lord with all your heart. All of your mind. Keep your mind on God, And His Holy Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you. He is ready to talk with you. Love God with all your soul, God says dont worry about your earthly body. You are to put your flesh to death when you came to Jesus Christ. Your water baptizem you were to put your flesh to death. The old self is dead.If you need help in killing your self then ask the Father in Jesus name, to bring Honor to your Lord. If you are a Christian then Repent and make Jesus your LORD!!!! The Holy Spirit will do it !!! Gods word says a curse will cover the earth which it has. Alah is the curse that the Holy Bible is talking about. Gods heavenly Kingdom will come next for His bride. I will be ready! We will not suffer Gods wrath!! But we will suffer under the Obamas administration. Removed are rights of free speech by executive order by the President. His government has the right to arrest us with out a charge.For years. Research this. President bush had a list of names to arrest for coming attacking his administration. Before the crime happens. This list is for 8 million be placed in fema camps. They now have the right to arrest me for posting this. Muslims are in every nation. If Gods Holy Word is correct, then this is the last generation. 70 years 2018. If this Rabbi is correct then this is the final Jubilee 2018. If this pope Benedict is correct, their will be 113 popes after his death, so this is the final pope that will bring the 7years peace agreement. And change the teachings of the Church. And he has.Muslims have prayed to Alah at the Vatican. The Pope has kissed the Quran and has taken away The Sins of the priest who violated children he has taken The Sins on his own body. To the atheist he says just follow your conscience do good and you will go to Heaven. He says Allah and his Heavenly Father ,the Jewish Heavenly Father are the same father. The Orthodox Church has agreed with the Catholic Church along with many prodestan churches The new teaching is chrislam. In the District of Washington the Crystal Cathedral has been open on Fridays for all Muslim prayers anything to do with a cross or anything else a Secret to Christians tea is put behind them so they can pray Allah their one true god.Friends do you see what is happening. President Obama is a Muslim who hates all Jews and Christian Please do not forget about Iran. He has lifted the embargo, so Iran will finish building the nuclear bomb all punishment has been lifted for over ayear against Congress desires. This year the Red Blood moons have fallen on Jewish Holy days. A sign for America and Israel. God is angered With both of us. We have no blessings from God, because we removed God from us. Pray pray pray. John 6:44, No one can come to Me unless the Father, who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day, 45 It is written in the prophets. And they shall all be taught by God. Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me. 46 Not that anyone has seen the Father, except He who is from God; He has seen the Father.( Again Jesus has said that He and the Father are one.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 23:45:34 +0000

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