Please Read What The Most Hon Elijah Muhammad Says About the Anti - TopicsExpress


Please Read What The Most Hon Elijah Muhammad Says About the Anti Chris Share This THE ANTI-CHRIST BY The Most Honorable ELIJAH MUHAMMAD MESSENGER OF ALLAH Reprinted from MUHAMMAD SPEAKS NEWSPAPER The Anti-Christ people make you laugh sometimes to read or hear what they have to say concerning Anti-Christ’s people; while the very one who trys to accuse the Muslims of being Anti-Christ is the real Anti-Christ. The whole of the Christian race is Anti-Christ. There is no one of the Christian people who has been trying to become a friend of Christ. The Bible predicts that they would be against him. The very people that actually preach and claim they are so happy to tell you and me of the Coming of Christ and the Judgment of the world, are the real enemies or Anti-Christ people—-the Christian people—-that is, if they believe in the Bible that they gave us. Let us read verse 18 of the eleventh chapter of the Revelation. It prophecies that Satan, (the devil), would become angry at the time of the Coming of Allah (God) Almighty. Since He Would Take Over the Rule of the Nations of the earth from the hands and power of Satan, the devil. Satan is angry because he lost the power to rule the people. And the only people that we know of in power, is the white race. And the only people that hate Righteousness, and hate Black people for being of the Righteous, are white people. And the only people that hate Good to come to Black people, they are ever trying to prevent them from any good that would come to them from any direction, even from among themselves, is white people. It is a proof in the open acts and talks going on against us in Alabama to buy farm land from them and to farm on it.They even regret that you are able to buy it, and hate you for being yourself (A Muslim) Listen to the 18th verse of the eleventh chapter of the Revelation of John. “And the Nation’s were angry … ” Why should the Nation’s be angry since they have been preaching the Coming of Christ? Why should they be angry now of His Presence? They should be the happiest people on earth since they say that their Religion is that which follows Jesus Christ. Now Christ Comes to Set Up His Government (a government of Righteousness) like they have been preaching. And they are angry, because of Him, because of His setting up Freedom, Justice, and Equality, and Righteousness, that they only falsely claim that they were doing. Now they are made manifest that they have never been for Righteousness, nor for The God of Righteousness. They do not want Muslims in Alabama, Why? Because the Muslims are trying to live a better life. They do not like them because they do not want Black people to see the Hereafter. For it takes Righteousness to be one accepted. As the Bible teaches us in another place, “None but the pure in heart shall see God,” and their hearts are not pure, but ours are pure by Nature. Our impurity only comes from our slavemasters and their children. “And, the Nation’s were angry.” We have Nations under many Religious beliefs. So it covered all of them, and the rulers are white people. And because of their hatred and dislike of Justice, it angered the God of Justice. “THY WARTH IS COME” :And the time of the dead. (We are the Dead). They were angry because of the Resurrection of the Black so-called Negro that they had made subject to the power of slavery, and under their own property subjected them to be the property of the white people. And they do not want their property released even though God is Asking for it. As it makes it very clear in another place in the Bible, “He Will say to the SOUTH, keep not back.” Do not try to interfere with His choice of freeing his people. The act going on in Alabama is a manifestation of this 18th verse of the eleventh chapter of the Revelation. “They are angry.” And they are trying to keep us back. Who in the world ever heard tell of a man being fined because of his Religion? But remember again, the Bible teaches you. Is. 59:15 that “He that turns to Righteousness, he becomes a prey.” He manifests himself as prey to the enemy because the enemy is going after him, because he hates him for going over to Righteousness. He will loose this slave, not taking him to hell like the rich man’s lost Lazarus. He was independent and was bolsterous and proud, and mistreated poor Lazarus. But, when his mistreatment came from Allah (God) then he cried to Lazarus for help. Because of the rich man’s proudness, and hatred of his servant and putting dogs on them; and you have done the same thing. God Took the wealth of the rich man and dried his food up on his table,where he had none for himself. Then he gave Lazarus a better place and better food than he was getting from his slavemaster’s table, which was only the worst of the food that is what our grandparents and we have been getting. He gives you the worst of food, especially in the South. They love for you to come in and ask for fatback and the poison hog. They do not like for you to ask for lamb or chicken. I remember in my younger days that it was an insult to them for you to go and ask for T-bone steak or Sirloin steak. You must always ask for the worst of the food. He will sell that to you happily. He will ask you to help him kill the poison pig, and give you the worst of that for your pay. The feet, chitterlings, guts, and you have to empty them of the refuge to try to eat it. This is what they give you for pay; or either a boney head that he would not want to try to pick the meat off of. This is the pay of the poor Black woman. I know these things to be true because, my mother used to work for them and would come home with that kind of pay. He is angry to see the Black man live under another king; to be a servant of a king; who deals with his servant in the way of Freedom, Justice, and Equality. So, they are angry, says the 18th verse of the Book of Revelation, because it is the time of the Dead. It is the time that the Dead should take their place in the Sun, like the other Nations. Preachers, I think you should read this chapter and verse (17 and 18th verse of the eleventh chapter of Revelation). Be convinced that the white race is against the Resurrection of the Dead.The white race is against the Black man achieving anything of Good for himself and regardless to what it is. This you know, but you are so afraid of the whtie man that you will only agree with me in secret on this; but work against me for favoritism from the white man. I cannot see what he will favor you with, but a flame of fire from the ever-burning fires of hell. That is already flamed. The time of the dead; what do we get out of this time of the Dead? Time for the Dead to rise and become an independent Nation. This is what it means. It is your time, and not a time that you continue to follow your slavemaster into free slavery. It is a time that you were free to go for yourself. What is it on this earth that white people can deprive us from, even though they try since the earth belongs to us; it belongs to the Black man. Well, then, why are not we Ruling it? It is just a mattter of time when the God Shall Give it to us. James Bishop of Alabama claims himself to be a Missionary, and claims he preaches the word of God. But, yet, it is proven definitely by his acts and anger against the Muslims, coming in and buying land to farm in Alabama. That is not the preaching of himself and his kind of Freedom, Justice, and Equality. He is the preacher of himself and his kind—enemines against the Black man. But, he should remember again that the Bible said everyone will be seen bowing on his knees from the power of Christ. The name which means the crusher of the wicked. You say it means anointed, certainly, it means anointed. He is anointed to crush the wicked on this, the better learned white theologists will agree. And I am quite sure many of them, who are claiming not to know these things know them. I do not think there are many of the foolish white people, who do not have the knowledge that their kingdom was not to be forever. When its end was set in the day that they were made, and was limited to the to the number SIX.They all know this.The wisest of them will agree, that there time was up in 1914. But a stay of execution of the rule was due to the mentally Dead Nergo here in America. That, you will most certainly find in the Book. The execution was stayed until he has put His mark (His Name), meaning the mark of Righteousness that is seen in the expression of the Muslim. “And the Nations were angry,” because it was the time (Resurrection) of the Dead (mentally Dead Black people), to be Resurrected into the Knowledge of self. ELIJAH MUHAMMAD Messenger of Allah
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 18:57:58 +0000

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