Please Read it n share it..... ted to Dr. Ambedkar, Neo-Buddhists - TopicsExpress


Please Read it n share it..... ted to Dr. Ambedkar, Neo-Buddhists and Reservation Misconception #1: Dr. Ambedkar, Architect of Indian constitution, copied British Constitution. Most ignorant people in India believe that Dr. Ambedkar copied British Constitution. Let me tell you one thing, British do not have any drafted constitution (See constitution-unit/research/uk- constitution). Democracy is the invention of Greeks. Dr. Ambedkar studied all types of political systems implemented in the world and simply chose the best. Still, this system needed to be customized so that it agreed with the Indian situation and considered all the possible problems faced by the people of India. So, Dr. Ambedkar developed such a constitution to address the needs and problems of Indians. Misconception #2: Mr. Gandhi wanted eradication of untouchability / slavery and Dr. Ambedkar was opposing him. Mr. Gandhi was a hardcore upper caste Hindu. He believed that caste system is the foundation of Hindu religion. So, he was against any person who wanted to break this caste system. The root cause of untouchability is this caste system which Dr. Ambedkar was trying to destroy. Thus, Mr. Gandhi was against Dr. Ambedkar and dalits (in general). Mr. Gandhi created an illusion of eradicating untouchability in the minds of Indian people, Black people as well as the Britishers (Check this BBC video youtube/watch? v=bEYVIbSMvZ4 ). Dr. Ambedkar always tried to spread awareness of this reality. In fact, he was the one who changed the lives of millions of downtrodden people in India. He deserves to be called the Father of Nation. Misconception #3: Dr. Ambedkar did not play any major role in post-independent India. Dr. Ambedkar contributed as an Architect of Indian constitution. He contributed to Indian society much more than what is usually circulated. He played major role in the establishment of Reserve Bank of India (RBI), reformation of Hindu social order, labour policy, electricity and water policy, Damodar valley project, Hirakund project, The Sone River valley project, and post war economic plan (IInd world war). He strived hard for liberation and empowerment of Indian women. We shall see better days soon and our progress will be greatly accelerated if male education is persuaded side by side with female education… are the words of Young Ambedkar, during his studies at New York which came out while writing a letter to his fathers friend. To learn more on this visit these sites: drambedkarbooks.wordpress/why- werent-we-told/ r-ambedkars-role-in-formation- of_27.html katulkar310808.htm This topic is very large in scope as his contributions. Misconception #4: Mr. Gandhi and Mr. Nehru are more educated than Dr. Ambedkar. To all those who believe that Mr. Gandhi and Mr. Nehru were the most educated Indian leaders during British Era, Dr. Ambedkar’s education might come as a shock. Dr. Ambedkar was the first Ph.D in Economics and first double doctorate in Economics in South Asia and served in various positions such as Labour Minister and Law Minister in pre and post-independent India respectively. Indians werent given any kind of reservation in those times. To add glory, he is the Architect of the Indian constitution. He was the first Scheduled Caste to go abroad for a Master degree and Doctorate. Not just Ambedkarities but all the Indians should be proud of this. Columbia University gave tribute to Dr Ambedkar: drambedkarbooks.wordpress/2011/ 05/01/tribute-to-dr-ambedkar-at- columbia-university-usa/ Misconception #5: Dr. Ambedkar was not a patriot. Patriot is the person who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests. Dr. Ambedkar fought against the social evils in India for the betterment of society and people. Mr. Gandhi himself stayed in Africa with his family. Had the Britishers not hurt his ego, he would have stayed there till his end. While Mr. Gandhi and Mr. Nehru who sought to make life better for them, he stayed in India and fought against the perpetrators of injustice and inequality in spite of many opposing forces. Most people believe that the Britishers left because of Gandhi, but this is not true. In fact, Britishers chose to leave India owing to some other circumstances. Dr. Ambedkar loved his country and his people and hence was a true patriot. He was also a social- political reformer. He never played political games with Indian people. There is also another difference which is often lost sight of in estimating the courage shown by the social reformer and the political patriot. When the social reformer challenges society there is nobody to hail him a martyr. There is nobody even to befriend him. He is loathed and shunned. But when the political patriot challenges Government he has the whole society to support him. He is praised, admired and elevated as the saviour. Who shows more courage--the social reformer who fights alone or the political patriot who fights under the cover of vast mass of supporters? By Dr. Ambedkar from his book RANADE GANDHI & JINNAH Misconception #6: Reservation is bad and should be eliminated. There are many people in India who are against reservation. You may be surprised to know that the roots of reservation are in the principles of Hinduism. In the past, reservation was birth right of the upper caste men. This reservation encompassed education, business and other facilities. The rest of the people were given secondary status. Dalits were denied any right of living and were forced to live in isolation. So, the much needed compensation to the dalits was given in the form of limited reservation of facilities unlike the past unlimited reservation given to the upper caste men. We all are against unjust and unequal reservation but one should support the well deserved compensation to the long sufferers of inequality and injustice. See my blog “Reservation or Anti- Reservation? ” on this. Misconception #7: Reservation is only for Ambedkarities. Most people believe that only SC category of dalits has reservation. Nearly 50% reservation is divided amongst Brahmins and other upper castes. Given their low strength, this amount of reservation ensures more of these people in every sector, even more than SC/ST/OBC/NT/VJ together. In SC/ ST/OBC/NT/VJ, there are many different castes, tribes and community. So, very few students (1 or 2) of each caste/tribe/ community acquire reserved seats. I still don’t understand why these Upper caste people are complaining against reservation when they themselves are a part of it. They are also enjoying the benefits of this reservation. Misconception #8: All Dalits are Buddhists or vice versa. There are people who believe this. Buddhists existed in India even before Dr. Ambedkar got converted to Buddhism. Many dalits converted to Buddhism with Dr. Ambedkar. Unconverted dalits converted to Buddhism many years after that. But there are dalits who got converted to Christianity/Islam or who remained Hindu. So it is wrong to say all Buddhists are dalits or vice versa
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 11:19:33 +0000

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