Please Share Let me state at the outset that I am concerned - TopicsExpress


Please Share Let me state at the outset that I am concerned about a hotter world. I also believe the 97 percent of climate scientists who say that humans are the primary cause of the greenhouse effect due to the amount of carbon emissions we’re collectively pumping into the atmosphere. And yet there are plenty of folk who think the experts have got it wrong and on this basis refuse to accept responsibility or take action. Again and again, when I hear such individuals deny the reality of climate change, I’m aghast. It’d be easy to understand if they were just plain stupid yet many so-called deniers are actually very intelligent people. You may not like our Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, but you can’t say he doesn’t have a brain even if he did accuse a UN climate official of “talking through her hat” when she said there is “absolutely” a link between climate change and the recent Blue Mountains bushfires. So if Tony Abbott and his ilk aren’t stupid and presumably genuinely don’t want their kids and grandkids to inherit an earth characterised by wild weather, food shortages, massive species extinction, financial meltdown and the unravelling of civilisation as we know it, what’s going on? One person who’s given this question a lot of thought and is sharing some of her views here is journalist, strategist and educator Simran Sethi.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 01:18:51 +0000

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