Please Share this Post The UN “I do not come here to lose my - TopicsExpress


Please Share this Post The UN “I do not come here to lose my freedom; I beg you-get out of Seven/50. Do Not Destroy Our Freedom,” a political refugee from Romania pleaded with the St. Lucie County (FL) Commissioners recently. In chilling details, she told the silent room what it was like to live in the Communist country under the brutal dictator Nicolae Ceausescu during the 1980s. As General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party from 1965 to 1989, Ceausescu “maintained strict controls over free speech and the media; internal dissent was NOT tolerated,” according to Wiki. His violent, repressive, brutal regime was overthrown in December of 1989, and he and his wife were executed by firing squad eight days later. Communist Party and Soviet bloc control fell. The political refugee in St. Lucie sought and was granted asylum here in the United States. She now is using all of her newfound freedoms to protest the adoption of a United Nations Regionalism scheme (especially on the east coast of Florida, but also throughout the 11 nationwide regions being sliced and diced by unelected federal bureaucrats), thanks to huge grants from HUD and other Obama administration agencies. “I am opposed to Seven/50. . .to the loss of our property rights by UN Agenda 21 (and) the NWO Communist Marxist project,” she said. Another public forum speaker, a former local County Commissioner, said, “I can’t believe I’m here” to speak on the dangers of Seven/50. Speaker after speaker urged and pleaded with local elected officials to reject the takeover of Florida private property. Citing the danger to the very sovereignty of America, they described attempts to set up a “vertical authority flow chart” controlled by unelected federal bureaucrats under the influence of globalists attempting to foist stack-and-pack 200-foot dwelling spaces on ordinary US citizens who worked hard to pay for their private property. “Why am I arguing for what has always been my right. . .for all that made America great,” poignantly asked one speaker. Turning over “our authority” to unelected global bureaucrats was abhorrent to the audience. No one spoke in favor of Seven/50 regionalism, even though it already has been adopted in the Gore triangle counties south of St. Lucie and Indian River counties. Vero Beach, IRC roundly rejected this UN intrusion into their communities last year! “Seven/50 is not going to happen! This old lady is not about to quit,” an elderly citizen wearing a huge black hat told her St. Lucie County Commissioners, who said they still are studying this issue. A typical stack-and-pack living area in the 200 square foot APodment bulding in Sammamish, WA is already developed. Occupant Judy Green (Seattle Times 5-12-13) “shares the kitchen with seven other tenants on the second floor.” With no elevators, she has to walk up and down six flights of stairs to get to her loft! Bathrooms often are communal; no or few cars are allowed because of global warming. Federal control of water on private property is underway, and the UN now controls most US federal parks. Taxpayers’ own money is being used to develop and advance the Seven/50 Agenda by using under the radar, low information staggering schemes that dole out our dollars incrementally to entice elected state and county officials. An early October window appears to be crucial for public comment and input from ordinary American citizens looking to stop the code of silence sweeping this tide across our once-free land. To find out what you can do in your areas, check out this website:, phone number 772-200-4242, The American Coalition 4 Property Rights.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 01:30:54 +0000

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