Please Stop Making Criminals Your Heroes What could be a bigger - TopicsExpress


Please Stop Making Criminals Your Heroes What could be a bigger tragedy other than this for a nation that a large number of its people start making criminals their heroes? What could be a bigger tragedy for a nation that some of its smart and intelligent people join the crowd and start defending those criminals with the best of their intellectual energies? If a large number of a people of a nation start playing this mischief no power on earth can save that nation from ultimate demise. Pakistani is exactly the kind of nation playing this mischief since its inception. This self-destructive habit has brought Pakistan and Pakistanis to the brink of annihilation but they are still playing this mischief nationally and internationally. The most interesting aspect of this mischief is their sincerity embedded in stupidity which creates flowery and catchy slogans to deceive themselves and the rest of the world. This vicious process further pushes them and their country in hellhole, but their mischief continues without any interruption. Not a single voice from any corner tells them to stop for a moment and reflect, rethink and try to find out the truth about your. History bears the witness, during India’s freedom movement the British Empire did not arrest and send to jail any Muslim or Hindu leader for money laundering or murder of his close associate. Why would they now? Then, they arrested and sentenced them under laws dealing with social unrest or inciting rebellion against the empire. As the British were the foreign occupiers of the sub-continent the arrested leaders had a reasonable right to incite people for rebellion against the empire to end its occupation. Now the so-called Pakistan heroes weave a web of crimes to sharpen their leadership images and maintain their control over masses. If anyone becomes a threat to their leadership by any means, they simply get him disappeared or have him assassinated to get rid of him. The brightest among their followers start publicly defending them using the best of their abilities. They arrange public rallies, they create catchy slogans, they deliver speeches, they write articles, they submit protest resolutions to related and unrelated national and international authorities, they bombard national and international media with false information, they turn every stone to save the ass of their hero who sits at the helm of the web of crimes. They do this all while they cry about the lawlessness, crimes, killings, lootings, and rampant terrorism in the country. No one has the guts to ask them that if you are using the best of your energies to save a criminal guised in the garb of a hero or a so-called leader what else you expect? If they are in a hellhole one can only laugh at the predicaments of those fools who see conspiracy behind everything that exposes their original faces of their criminal heroes. Meanwhile they continue carving out more heroes out of criminals. They have “magician attorneys” who eagerly defend those criminal heroes in court of law. They have anchor persons in media who can paint rosy pictures of those criminal heroes. They can bring out millions of masses on the streets to show the solidarity with their hero. Can anyone save this country from ultimate demise? Who knows? May be no one!
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 18:34:11 +0000

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