Please accept my hearty regards an earnest appeal to the Nation - TopicsExpress


Please accept my hearty regards an earnest appeal to the Nation for the Nation Let us celebrate 15th August 68th Independence Day by donating blood, love, and peace a real patriotism let us come on celebrate 15th August Independence Day. By expressing the problems of day by day values in his relaxed words from the walls of Read Fort, alongside by the bigger difficulties of nationalized improvement, His Highness Prime Minnister Sri Narendra Modi ji has fingered numerous spirits of all Indians. For the first time in the history of India, there would be gathering of around 10,000 members of the general public being present at the historic Red Fort to witness Prime Minister Narendra Modi deliver his maiden Independence Day address to the nation. There are expectations of talks about country’s rural population under a new scheme, ‘National Gramin Awas Mission (NGAM)’ and Clean Ganga Project that remains close to Narendra Modi’s heart. May God bless you bonus physical condition, prosperity, elevated position, command, authority, capability, prospect, assets, constancy to enhance promotion and propagation of peace and organization. always I we want to found, you are great dreamer”; “remarkable ability”; “hard taskmaster”; “strict disciplinarian”; “amazing”; “realist”; “idealist”; “clarity of vision, sense of purpose, diligent perseverance”; “excellent organizational ability: “rich insight into human psychology”; “sheer strength of character and courage”. Best compliments to my all beneficiary Indians on Independence Day! May well our Tricolor wing sky-scraping & our country level innovative figures of growth. Jai Hind Hariom. मेरे प्यारे भारतीयों को स्वतंत्रता दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाये.. शहीदो को श्रद्धांजलि ...दुआ करती हु की हम सब एक है और एक रहे ... जय हिन्द !. Please read and put into practice: I would not have a care if they took away my pen and paper for I have dipped my fingers in the inkpot of my heart. I would not have a care if they sealed my lips shut for I have secreted my voice in every link of every manacle. Hill and vale once more under the poppy’s lamps are bright, in my heart the nightingale has set new songs alight; Violet, violet, azure, azure, golden, golden, mantles—Flowers, or fairies of the desert, rank on rank in sight? On the rosy‐spray dawn’s soft breeze has left a pearl of dew, now the sunbeam turns this gem a yet more glittering white. Town or woodland, which is sweeter, if for her unveiling, Careless beauty love towns less than where green wood’s invite? Delve into your soul and there seek our life’s buried tracks; Will you not be mine? Then be not mine, be your own right! World of soul—the world of fire and ecstasy and longing: World of sense—the world of gain that fraud and cunning blight; Treasure of the soul once won is never lost again: Treasure gold, a shadow—wealth soon comes and soon takes flight. In the spirit’s world I have not seen a white man’s Raj, in that world I have not seen Hindu and Muslim fight. Shame and shame that hermit’s saying pouted on me—you forfeit Body and soul alike if once you cringe to another’s might! Your glance consequently in the region of adored, Like poetry in the terrain and technique of Meer and Ghalib: so that Don’t belief on exhibition if you are intellect and rational because which gazing twinkle all are not gold these days we are observing lot of superfluous walking behind power on their personal benefit not humanity and India they are ostentatious and selfish having negative attitude for Indians. Some are so called, supposed hybrid and feudal mind Muslim leader those who are always closed to government mainly in every election selling to poor Muslims of India like scapegoat in the hand of political party of India and through this type of bargaining they earning high source of revenue, bread and butter and M. P’s and M.L.A’s Kothi from day one I mean mainly after 1947 while they are time sever one together they are neither obedient for government and political party nor rescuer for poor Muslim of India but they are enthusiast of sin so that please shield yourself since the identical . Better than the entire world, is our Hindustan, We are its nightingales, and it (is) our garden abode If we are in an alien place, the heart remains in the homeland, Know us to be only there where our heart is. That tallest mountain, that shade-sharer of the sky, It (is) our sentry, it (is) our watchman In its lap frolic where thousands of ponds, Whose vitality makes our garden the envy of Paradise. O the flowing waters of the Ganges, do you remember that day When our caravan first disembarked on your waterfront? Religion does not teach us to bear ill-will among ourselves We are of Hind, our homeland is Hindustan. In a world in which ancient Greece, Egypt, and Rome have all vanished without trace Our own attributes (name and sign) live on today. Such is our existence that it cannot be erased Even though, for centuries, the cycle of time has been our enemy. Iqbal! We have no confidante in this world What does any one know of our hidden pain? Mother, I salute thee! Rich with thy hurrying streams, bright with orchard gleams, Cool with thy winds of delight, Dark fields waving Mother of might, Mother free. Glory of moonlight dreams, Over thy branches and lordly streams, Clad in thy blossoming trees, Mother, giver of ease Laughing low and sweet! Mother I kiss thy feet, Speaker sweet and low! Mother, to thee I salute. Who hath said thou art weak in thy lands When the swords flash out in seventy million hands And seventy million voices roar Thy dreadful name from shore to shore? With many strengths who art mighty and stored, To thee I call Mother and Lord! Though who savest, arise and save! To her I cry who ever her foeman drove Back from plain and Sea And shook herself free. Thou art wisdom, thou art law, Thou art heart, our soul, our breath Though art love divine, the awe In our hearts that conquers death. Thine the strength that nerves the arm, Thine the beauty, thine the charm. Every image made divine In our temples is but thine. Thou art Durga, Lady and Queen, With her hands that strike and her swords of sheen, Thou art Lakshmi lotus-throned, And the Muse a hundred-toned, Pure and perfect without peer, Mother lend thine ear, Rich with thy hurrying streams, Bright with thy orchard gleems, Dark of hue O candid-fair In thy soul, with bejeweled hair And thy glorious smile divine, Loveliest of all earthly lands, Showering wealth from well-stored hands! Mother, mother mine! Mother sweet, I salute thee, Mother great and free!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 06:30:16 +0000

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